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I flickered my eyes again, my heart skips, I swallow and opened my mouth. What is he doing out of all places? I keep asking myself if it's him, I take a good look and It is. 

My heart drops. I'm numb and scared that he's with that woman. Was she the chic that called. Is she his age? She looks like it. Why does she have to be so close to him? That's why he didn't respond to my text, I sent this afternoon. 

And at this moment, I replay last nights events in my mind and here he is with a woman. What a nightmare tonight has turned out to be. I should of went with my gut and stayed home, procrastinating on calling him again. But here it is, he's here with a Blonde! Linda can't know what the fuck went on. Seriously this is a nightmare waiting to explode. I turn my body and face the bar stunned. 

"Alix isn't that what's his name from Lyla's Graduation know the young hottie" she whispers to me.

'Where?" I question and play dumb.

"Behind you, over there, sitting with two men and a young ass girl." she sticks in my face. 

"He looks hot in that suit Alix" She adds wood to the fire. I don't want to look. But now I have to after Linda said how hot he looks in a suit. I barely even saw him, I was too pre-occupied, looking at the blonde in the black tight dress, really close to him. Now, I'm pist. 

He was too busy to call or text me. But my nerves kick in and now all I want to see how hot he looks in a suit. I've only seen him in Jeans, T-shirts and those beautiful hot sexy underwear. I gradually turn my body around. I don't want to make it that obvious as I'm in need to see him again, let alone, in a suit.

My belly drops again. Shit, he does look good. He looks so handsome in that blue fitted suit, a light blue dress shirt underneath with a grey tie, I might say. I'm surrounded by men in suits at work and was married to one who wore them every day and the way Joe wears it, is beyond me.

He's standing where he can clearly see me. If maybe, he was to stop talking to her so closely and look my way, he could tell, I'm here. But I guess her conversation is more important, then to look around. Oh, I can't do this. But, I spoke too soon and he spots me. Fuck

He looks frozen standing there with his mouth open. I need to look away and do and if the night can't get worse, A song comes on the surround system that made my heart drop. 

"Broken Glass" by Sia. I'm about to cry, not because I care about him but how I miss his touch on my body. I miss him, his touch, the bickering, the flirting. I felt something, that I haven't before, and I can't tell him. He has me right where he wants me. Vulnerable again. I turn around and face towards the bar. I grab my drink and take a gulp.

"Yeah, mamma. What got into you" Linda raves. watching me gulp the wine. Does she notice something? You see, I can't do this. 

"OMG, noway, Alix, he's walking toward us," she whispers in my ear.

Fuck, is he? My body is reacting. I look down at myself, Thank god I 've got a sexy black tight dress and my sexy Christian Louboutins pumps. Eat your heart out buddy. You didn't call soo...

His footsteps drew closer, making my stomach churn "Lady's," he says politely as his cologne lingers by me. Jerk

"Hi, Joseph, is it" Linda rushes to speak. Oh, now she did it. He doesn't like it when they call him by his birth name. But, she doesn't know that. I do.

"Yes" he lends out his hand and they shake hello  "Joseph, you remember Alix, Lyla's mom," she says smiling from ear to ear. And I turn to him. I met his gaze, those eyes piercing through me once again and my belly swims trying to act like nothing is going on between us.

When it Happened  *(Completed) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now