Betsy-Blue McVey

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I could hear Parisa repeatedly shouting from downstairs.
I eventually attempted to run down the stairs in my new nude heals that I bought the day before.

"Finally she appears"Parisa said laughing to my brother as a gave her a slight smirk and headed towards the door. "Come on then Mikey will be wondering where we are. Bye James, tell mum and dad I won't be home too late!" I said as I closed the door, taking in how amazing my best friend looked.
Our close friend Mikey was having a house party tonight and we were so exited because we hadn't been to one in too long.
"So I was messing about with some cords before and think I might of started a pretty good piece for us. I mean I haven't got many lyrics but I suppose it's a start" I said as me and Parisa linked and walked down the street and around the corner.
I forgot to mention that me and Parisa are apart of a group/ band with our friends Mikey and Charlie. We aren't anything big, we just like to sing and play guitar in mine or Charlie's garage. I mean, I have so much collage work to do I couldn't possible put all of my focus on music, however my brother has been looking to stat his own band and he thinks that he might have found somebody to help him. He seems really happy about this mystery person and thinks that they could really make it if they find another guy, maybe two. I really am proud of him.

Parisa started to mess with my long blonde curls as we carried on walking. "I love your hair, no matter what you do with it, it always looks amazing!" She said still messing with it. "Oh shut up, I love the braid you always have over the top of your head, it really suits you" I replied as we both smirked at each other. We started to talk about my brother and how much she loved his voice and blah blah blah. She clearly had a thing for him but would never admit it to me.

We arrived at Mikey's and I was greeted by Charlie's arms around my waist. "Hey, thought you two weren't going to show up!" Charlie laughed to me letting of my waist and I turned to face him."Betsy took forever to choose what to wear" Parisa said before I ad chance to reply.
I had gone for my new purple cropped top from topshop, with my high waisted pencil skirt. "I don't just look this good when I wake up" I said smirking at them all. Mikey gave us both a drink and we looked around to she Mikey's house was packed. Half of the faces I'd never seen before which worried me because I'm not very good at making new friends.

It's been about 3 hours since we arrived and let's just said me and alcohol don't really mix. I stared to walk with Parsia towards the door, we'd decided to call it a night, when suddenly my top was soaking wet.
"OMG I am so sorry I didn't see you" an unfamiliar Birmingham accent said as a hand started rubbing my top. "Oh for gods sake! Don't worry I'll be fine" I replied looking up to see a gorgeous pair of hazel eyes staring back at me. The boy had perfect brown curls and purely white teeth. I realised a few seconds later that I was staring at him and quickly looked away..
So this was introducing Betsy-Blue, and her best friend Parisa. The rest of the fanfic is going to be based more around The Vamps, but I was introducing Betsy and her life in this chapter.

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