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Chapter Nine:


She blinked, sitting straight up. She was on the couch, drool staining the pillow.

"Yes?" She mumbled, disoriented. When had she fallen asleep?

"Come on."

"Come on, where?"

He huffed, tossing a piece of clothing at her. "To the precinct. The information I gave them proved useful, they have a name and an address."

She held out the fabric in front of her, more of it falling down to reveal it was one of his many trench coats.

"Why do I have this?"

"It's cold outside. You wear it."

"I don't want to wear your coat. I'm not cold."

He shook her head, walking towards the front door. "You have goosebumps and were shivering while you slept. So, you get a coat. Now, if we could hurry."

She glared, trudging the thick fabric on. She rushed after him, out the doors and onto the street.

"This makes me walk weird."

"Walk normally, then." He told her, locking the doors and continuing his determined march to the precinct. "One foot in front of the other."

"You're an ass, Malcolm."

He shrugged, "And?"

Theodora shook her head, muttering a string of curse words. That's what she did for the entire way to the NYPD precinct, and only stopped when they stepped off the elevator and Dani headed towards them.

"Bright." She nodded, "Fletcher."

"What are we doing?" Theodora questioned as Dani turned them around, leading them right back into the elevator. "Where are we going?"

"Some charity event the Berkhead's are throwing."

"So you looked into him as a suspect? Anything interesting show up?"

"He fits the M.O." Dani shrugged, "He seems like an odd guy but nothing completely alarming."

They walked back out of the building and Dani lead them to her car, where she got in the front seat and laughed when Malcolm frowned his way into the back.

"Gil and JT are still was Nico."

"Really? It's been like a whole day." Theodora said looking out the window, watching as cars honked when Dani cut them off so she could merge into traffic. "Or do they usually stay with victims longer?"

Dani said nothing, and Theodora leaned back in her seat. It look ten minutes for them to find the most expensive looking apartment building she had ever seen. They parked and got out, following both of them into the building. People milled around, all dressed in fancy clothing. Men were in suits and women were in shiny slim dresses with the highest heels known to mankind. Theodora suddenly felt super underdressed, in her days old clothing and a giant trench coat that wasn't hers.

"What is this for, exactly?" She questioned, staying close to their group.

"Some club they have."

"Club?" Malcolm held them back, looking around. "Which club?"

"I don't know. Why's it matter? You a member?" Dani glared.

"I hope not. Uh, what do you know about Carter Burkhead?"

"Old money. And lots of it." The detective replied, pulling up a picture on her phone. "This is him and his wife, Blair."

It showed a younger looking women standing next to the man who had to be Carter, an older looking man. Who, was actually bald.

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