Thirty Seven

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Chapter Thirty Seven:

Theodora rushed into the hospital, sick of waiting outside after Malcolm had told her to. There was a lot of commotion, but she spotted him talking with a group of responders.

Malcolm heard her footsteps, turning to see her.

"He's gonna be ok." Malcolm assured her, "He got lucky."

Theodora let out a sigh of relief, "Thank god."

He turned to one of the emergency responders, "Do you mind if I talk to him?"

"Go ahead."

Malcolm walked forward, "Hey, Rodger."

He went to say something but Malcolm landed a hand on his shoulder and pressed down, causing the other man to flinch. Theodora stepped towards them, what the hell was he doing?

"Stay with me. It's not looking good, not with all the bleeding from the cracked ribs piercing your stomach."

"What does that mean?"

"You're gonna die, Rodger."

Theodora's eyes widened, staring at him.

"No." His voice cracked, "I can't die. I got a cat."

She turned on the heels of her feet as she made her way out of the hospital, shaking her head. It was more cold than it was earlier, and her long sleeved shirt didn't seem like enough anymore. Theodora made her way across the street, crossing her arms in the wind.

"Why?" She huffed, Malcolm's face appearing in her mind. "Why—"

She froze, spotting a figure standing a few feet in front of her. The figure turned and disappeared down another corner, Theodora pursed her lips. She should've carried her gun on her at all times, like Dani had said. But Theodora didn't like carrying it, she never wanted to use it on someone. She knew she shouldn't walk any farther, to go back to the hospital where people were. Yet she wanted to go home, she didn't want to be with Malcolm right now.

Theodora carried on, walking much faster than she had before. She kept to the other side of the street, looking all around. Her keys were in her pocket, which she pulled out and placed them between her fingers. Theodora could fight, she had taken boxing classes on her fathers request, also learning the basics from her father himself.

She was about two blocks away, only one block until she reached a string of bus stops. It was just past midnight, but the bus she'd usually take finished it's final route around one.

Theodora's phone buzzed, she stopped and pulled it out. Malcolm's face appeared on the screen, she stared down at it before clicking the answer button.

"Where are you?"

"Walking home."

"You're walking? Let me come and get you—"

"No, I'm fine. I—" A bang echoed from her left, she jumped at the sound of it. Footsteps thumped on the ground, than something flew out at whacked the side of her head. She yelped, stumbling backwards. Her phone fell out of her hands, cracking against the concrete. A figure appeared in front of her, swinging out with an arm, a silver bracelet shining in the street light. Theodora gasped as a stinging sensation overtook one side of her face. Another hit, and she yelled a string of curse words before throwing her own arm out. The keys between her knuckles made contact with something.

Theodora scrambled away, running down the middle of the street. She frowned, her phone no longer on her. "Shit." She huffed, unable to call for help. She turned a corner, finding herself on a Main Street. Theodora's eyes widened, she knew where she was. Malcolm's apartment was only a block away, if he was heading back there himself she could beat him to it.

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