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Chapter Thirteen:

"Another son?" Gil sighed, walking up to JT. "Who would've thought."

Theodora and Malcolm followed behind, Dani still getting something from her own car. JT nodded, "Yes, sir. Liam Hauser. He changed his name five years ago back in Greece after he and his dad had a falling out."

"He could be the family annihilator." Dani's voice said, popping up from behind them.

"Or the next victim." Malcolm protested.

They approached a rather large building, Theodora guessed it used to be some sort of factory.

"What is this place?" Dani asked.

"No idea." JT replied, "But the buildings deed's in Liam's name— there he is."

A man was leaning into the open trunk of a car, and when they all were across from him he stood up and faced them.

He looked younger, pale with blonde hair. A scar of some sort covered his cheek, and he looked hesitant to even be looking at them.

"Liam?" Gil asked. "NYPD."

"Do you have a minute to answer a few questions?"

He lifted a hand up, clicking the trunk to close. Theodora stared at the box sitting in the centre, holes covering the side. She leaned closer to Malcolm, "You see the—"

"Yes." He whispered.

Dani coughed, "Have you seen your family recently?"

He chuckled, "No. Not in, like, five years. We're- we're not close. Why? What's up?"

"They're dead."

Everyone turned to face Theodora, mixed expressions casted for her. Her mother's photo flashed in her mind, she couldn't believe she had almost forgotten what she looked like.

"Murdered." She finished, "I'm sorry."

Liam's eyes flashed sadness, but with a deep breath he nodded slowly. "Well, uh, like-like I said, I don't, uh... wait. Do you not know who did it."

"Not yet. But we're hoping that you could help us figure that out." Dani added.

"I-I got no clue. Like I said, I haven't seen them in years. What happened?"

"They were poisoned." Gil chimed in,

"By snakes." Malcolm spoke over him, "Were left behind at the scene. That mean anything to you?"

Liam looked scared, casting nervous glances all around him. At the building behind him, the truck beside him.


"Those are some pretty series gloves you have there. Double Kevlar? Custom-made?"

"Sorry, uh, do you mind—"

"What's in the box, Liam?" Theodora raised her voice, staring at him. He wouldn't meet her eyes, "Sorry... I need a breather. This is all so..."

He turned, fleeting into the building. Gil, JT and Dani all swiped out their guns, merging closer but when both Theodora and Malcolm attempted to follow Gil held them back.

"You two stay here!"

They stopped, and the others disappeared into the building.

Theodora surged forward, grabbing ahold of Malcolm's arm and holding him in front of her.

"Really?" He whispered.

She shrugged, "In case something happens."

They walked in, immediately being hit with the strongest smells she'd ever smelt. Animal chatter filled the area, mostly growls, which tightened her grip on his arm.

"He's a black market animal dealer." Malcolm yelled, Gil just a few feet in front of them.

"Damn it, Bright, I told you to wait."

Theodora peeked her head out, "Before you say anything— no suing, I remember."

She let Malcolm lead the way, until they entered a larger room the opposite direction the others had gone. She let go, moving beside him.

Fish tanks lined the centre of the room, a large cage with a growling leopard sitting close.

"Yup." She nodded, "This looks very illegal."

There was a thud, and a hand flew in front of her. Malcolm took a step forward, just as a figure rose up from in front of them, standing behind a large fish tank.

"Liam." Malcolm said, "We just want to talk."

The man looked back and fourth before dashing towards another walk way, Malcolm chased after him but Liam put his hands in a basket and tossed something.

"Wait!" She yelled, watching as two snakes went flying towards her friend. Malcolm stumbled back, falling into a wooden box. He jumped up again as Dani entered the room, he pointed to where Liam had gone.

"That way!"

Theodora's eyes widened running to him, a snake dangling by its mouth from his wrist. She yanked on it, throwing it as far away as she could.

"Shit." She mumbled, "Mal— hey—"

"It's fine." He laughed, "It's just a small one. Probably not even—"

He fell backwards, landing on his back.

"Malcolm!" She scrambled next to him, his face turning a deep red. She looked back at Dani, "Call an ambulance!"

He was shaking, choking noises coming from his mouth.

"It's fine! It's fine. Breath, hun. Come on, just breathe—" His face was now a purple colour, and his eyes were going wild. He tried talking, but only strangled noises escaped. "Don't talk, just breath. Deep breaths— come on, Mal!"

But then he stopped. Just stopped moving all together.

"Help!" She screamed, footsteps echoing behind her.

"What the hell." JT exclaimed.

"Bright!" Gil rushed to his other side, "Is an ambulance—"

"Coming." Dani nodded, sirens blaring in the distance.

"What happened?"

"Snake." Theodora mumbled, holding on his hand. "Threw them at him."


Theodora stayed with him, and so did all of them until the ambulance arrived. She was shoved off as they took care of what they needed to before putting him into the van. Gil dragged her away, promising they were going straight to the hospital.

She told him they better be, because she wasn't leaving his side until he woke up. If he would, at that.

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