Fifty Six

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Chapter Fifty Six:

Police cars swarmed the area, and Theodora felt a wave of déjà vu float over her. She shook her head, trekking on next to Malcolm through the large groups of officers.

Gil stood farther back into the woods, hands in his pockets with a grave look on his face. Malcolm stuck his hand out and they shook, greeting each other professionally. Theodora on the other hand stuck her fist out, to which he ignored her and motioned them to follow.

"What's going on here?" Malcolm questioned as they walked a narrow path.

"A body was found stabbed. Probably dumped here."

Theodora's nose scrunched, "That doesn't sound like a job for a profiler."

"He was stabbed over one hundred times."

Her mouth formed an 'o' shape as she glanced at Malcolm, seeing he had a similar expression on his face. "Someone was mad." She stated, earning a glare from both men.

"Why do you say the things that you say?"

She looked over at Malcolm, "Because free speech. But, mostly to lighten the mood. You're all so serious all of the time."

"This is a murder investigation." Gil hushed her. "Just in time for Halloween."

"Just because someone is dead doesn't mean my sense of humour has to be."

Gil gave her an odd look, as if trying to look into her mind and figure out why she said these things, to which was just questioned. Malcolm only gave a faint snort, before walking off in front of her towards Dani who stood over the dead body, stating the victims name and other information.

"Name's Gavin Parker, a warehouse assistant manager. His family is being notified as we speak."

"His car was found just up the road, the door wide open like he was running from something." JT gave a nod, "There's no sign of any other passengers."

Edrisa was situated next to the body, fixing her gloves. Malcolm took a step forward, entering his profiler mode.

"Time of death?" He questioned.

"Twelve hours ago." She looked at him, "He basically died from the number of stab wounds. And I say I'm an over achiever."

Theodora snorted, earning a glare from Gil. "How come she can make a joke but when I do it it's offensive?"

"Is it just me or do the stabs wounds look different?" Dani spoke over her, leaning towards the man's soaked shirt.

"Good catch. They are not all consistent, some are deep and confident while others have hardly broken skin."

Theodora pursed her lips, "It's a classic case of overkill. And a lot of rage."

"With some overwhelming hatred." Malcolm added.

JT agreed, crossing his arms. "Looks like the broken ankle brought him down."

They all looked to see the man's ankle bent the wrong way, Theodora made a face.

"Yeah, the killer didn't do that. The victims car is just on the other side of that hill?" He said as he pointed behind him, when JT nodded Malcolm turned and took a few steps towards it. "They were chasing him. He exits his car, comes over this hill and hits that root and falls."

"So basically what we're getting at is that he was chased, trips, falls and breaks his ankle. He's in a tremendous amount of pain and some asshole comes along and gives him a little stabby stab until he gets to one hundred."

They were all glaring at her, she shrugged. "I see no ones in a good mood today. Anyways, for real, this wasn't planned. See his weird knife holder, it's empty. The killer used Gavin's own knife to kill him."

"The positions of the wounds indicate that he was being straddled by the killer." Edrisa said.

"So the victim could see him." Dani chimed in.

Malcolm wandered back closer to the body, "Or so the killer could see the victims face. Their pain... our killer enjoyed this. With every stab he gained intensity, which explains the varying depths."

"Does that mean a sadist?" Theodora questioned, "The ones who gain pleasure from inflicting pain? If he gained intensity while he was doing the stabbing, would that mean it was their first kill?"

"Doing the stabbing?" JT whispered.

"Yes." Malcolm sighed, staring down at the dead body.

Gil coughed, "JT, Dani, go check on the co-workers and Bright and I will focus on the family."

"What am I supposed to do?" Theodora asked.


She gave him a look, "What does that mean?"

"You're very full of questions today, aren't you?" JT chirped.

Theodora frowned, "Does that mean I get another day off?"

"Have fun." Dani gave her a small smile before both her and JT made their way out.

Theodora gazed around the woods, spotting Edrisa who was back at the body's side examining.

"Edrisa?" Theodora asked, stepping towards her.

"That's me."

"I just want to say thank you for telling me the truth about my mother."

Edrisa stood up, giving her a small smile. "It's no problem. I thought you should know, but Gil... he didn't want you to know quite yet because he sees that you're very passionate about your mother and didn't want to give you any false hope."

Theodora nodded slowly, telling her thanks again before making her way back the way she'd entered with Malcolm.


"Damn it." She mumbled. She had arrived with Malcolm, and now he was with Gil driving to who knew where. Theodora didn't have a way home.

She took off in a sprint, making it to the edge of the woods to see Malcolm and Gil in Gil's car. She ran down the hill, underestimating her footings as she tumbled into the hood of the car.

"Jesus!" Gil's window rolled down, "Are you alright?"

Theodora pulled herself up, "Yup. Great, I'm great."

When she looked to Malcolm, he was grinning from ear to ear. "You want the car keys?"

She walked around the car, grabbing them from his hands. "I'll remember this."

"Where'd your sense of humour go, Theo?"

She glared at him, "You have that dinner with your mom tonight, right?"

He nodded, "Don't blow up my kitchen."

Gil sighed, the car slowly rolling forward. "I'll try my best." She shouted.

Theodora stood there, watching as the car disappeared. A small smile still on her face.

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