Fifty Nine

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Chapter Fifty Nine:

"I didn't kill Gavin."

Theodora stood next to Malcolm, who was next to Gil. Jake still looked awfully pissed off at the sudden events, but was trying his best to keep his cool.

"We pulled your records. Aggravated assault seems to be your thing." Gil said, looking utterly unimpressed.

Jake crossed his arms, "Those are bar fights. Punks popping off. I'm no killer," He paused, glaring at Malcolm, "Or sadist."

Malcolm shrugged, "You definitely are. You got a massive endorphin rush from nearly breaking my arm. Dilated pupils, flushed skin tone. For you, hurting people feels good."

"You're also sleeping with Gavin's ex." Theodora pointed out, titling her head to the side. "Do you offer that service to all your clients?"

"Yeah, I didn't see that on the flier." Malcolm shook his head.

Jake glanced at her, "Crystal and I are a casual thing. She's got to much baggage, anyway."

"What kind of baggage?"

He sighed, "Four months ago, Gavin demanded full custody of Issac. Drove Crystal nuts. Every night she'd come in here, furious. I taught her how to use that anger."

Gil sighed loudly, the same feeling settling within her and most likely Malcolm.

"What did you teach her?" Malcolm finally asked.


The room fell silent, minutes later after everyone shared a look Theodora threw her hands up, "Of course you did. Mhmhm, yeah, sounds about right." She shook her head, sending an annoyed look to Jake.

After another 10 minutes, finally they all exited the building onto the bustling city streets. Gil's phone went off suddenly, non stop until he finally got it out of his pocket and clicked answer. It was the shortest phone call Theodora had ever seen, before she knew it the call was over and the device was back in his pocket.

"Dani and JT have Crystal in custody." Gil took off down the street, both Malcolm and Theodora rushed after him. "They followed her to the crime scene, starting digging for something."

"What was it?"

"A bloody sweatshirt." Gil stopped at his car, walking to the driver's side and taking out his key. "Almost choked Detective Powell out."

"Great." Malcolm muttered, opening the back door for Theodora. She thanked him before climbing in, sliding to the other side so he could sit next to her.

Theodora leaned her head against the closed window, "If he knew she was kinda crazy, why teach her everything in a sport that needs maximum aggression to excel?"

"You tackled him to the ground pretty quick." Gil glanced at her through the mirror, "Never seen you do that before, Fletcher."

She shrugged, "That man gives me a weird vibe."

Malcolm studied her briefly before looking to Gil, "This makes no sense. Crystal isn't a sadist."

"She might not be a sadist but she's sure as hell crazy." Theodora gave a nod, "Choking an officer— will she get charged with assault?"

"Powell wouldn't press charges." Gil replied.

Theodora knew this, just as they all did. And it probably wasn't the craziest incident the woman had ever experience on the job. Dani would be more than fine, but Crystal was in deep water now with the police and most likely scaring the crap out of her son.

When they got to the precinct, Crystal was alone in one of the interrogation rooms. She sat at the desk, head in her hands. The three of them leaned against a cubicle wall, Malcolm shook his head. "This doesn't make sense, Gil."

"Edrisa sent me down—" Hugo appeared in front of them, focusing on Gil who he was clearly supposed to be reporting to. "We are running tests on the sweatshirt but for some reason it's taking a little longer."

"We only have so long to hold her without a conviction before we have to let her go."

"We know, that's why she wanted me to to tell you." Hugo pursed his lips, "We have everyone working on it, it's the only thing we have to work on, anyways. A few more hours, tops."

Gil nodded slowly, "If you can get it sooner, that would be better."

Hugo nodded, glancing at the others. He nodded at Malcolm and gave a smile to Theodora, "I should get back." He muttered, rushing away.

Gil turned to her, "I know he's been helping you, Fletcher."

Her eyes widened, "What?"

The man chuckled, "You think I don't know what's going on in my precinct? It's fine, you don't need to worry. I'm sure you would've found out more about your mother's case a different way if this didn't pan out."

"He's been helping you?" Malcolm raised a brow at her, "When?"

Theodora shrugged, "The days when I'm not here. I didn't really learn anything new anyways."


She rolled her eyes, "Malcolm, it's fine."

He nodded slowly, "Mhm."

"We are literally in the middle of a murder case with a suspect in custody and you're focused on  a colleague helping me out?"

Gil snorted, "You two are an interesting pair."

Theodora pursed her lips, gazing back to where the woman sat. She was still in the same position, head dropped and hiding in her hands. She wondered what Issac was doing, if her son knew where she was or was waiting patiently at home for her return.

"Was she murdered?"


Theodora turned to Gil, "Can you tell me if my mom was murdered or not. The odds and all, with whatever little evidence you have. What's your opinion?"

Gil frowned, standing up straight. Malcolm seemingly tensed from next to her, listening in on whatever the other man was about to say.

"Is it still an active case?" She asked when he failed to answer her previous question, "Why can't I know anything about it when it's my mom. It's my blood—"

"It's still open. And since she hasn't made a reappearance in decades, Theodora, I'm going to say she was killed. We are still working on it and you need to stop snooping around my files for answers. You already know everything I do."

Theodora blinked slowly, staring at him. This just contradicted everything he had just said before, a feeling of despair settled in her stomach. She needed to go, get some fresh air and be with someone she loved. Though, the woman hadn't been there for years.

"I need to go."

"Wait!" Malcolm shouted as she raced to the stairway, "Where are you going?"

"To see my father."

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