Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven:

"Tell me why I received a call from the security department of the university, saying he was watching one of my detectives tackle one Dr Mitchell of their roof!" Gil marched into the board room, making Theodora jump from where she sat. "So what am I putting in the report?"

It had been over an hour since both Malcolm and Theodora arrived at the precinct, but Gil had been in a meeting. Dani and JT arrived soon enough, letting them know that Carl Mitchell was going to be fine.

They all sat in the board room, Theodora swivelled back and fourth in her chair. Edrisa has stopped by, saw her forehead and ran out to grab a clean cloth. Theodora thanked the women and wiped at the cut, JT sliding a small bandage across the table towards her.

"I'm not putting that on my forehead."

The man shrugged, "Only trying to help."

Hands hit the table, "Someone explain this to me, please."

"The new employee with zero training and experience tackles vic off roof?" JT shrugged, "Sounds about right."

"Carl Mitchell isn't lucid enough to make a statement but he is in stable condition." Gil huffed, crossing his arms. "Fractured a rib in the fall."

"He had a knife to Malcolm's throat. And when he pushed off of him to make an escape Mitchell swung and would've hit him anyways. I acted out of fear for Malcolm's life." Theodora told him, "And if that ledge wasn't there both of us would've been smashed against the ground so it all would've worked out."

Gil glared, then Malcolm cleared his throat. "Or, Theodora's detailed understanding of the human psyche led her to anticipate that until diazepam could administered, physical pain might be the only thing to deliver the victim from his psychedelic experience."

She nodded slowly, "Mhm. He is correct. Scratch what I said."

Edrisa apparently, grinning holding up a file. "Bright was—"

"Oh, you love saying that, don't you?" JT chirped, rolling his eyes.

Malcolm only grinned with satisfaction, "Tox screens came back positive."

"Carl Mitchell's blood had extreme levels of lysergic acid diethylamide... LSD. More than 50 times a standard dose."

"Who's been calling it!" Theodora nodded, "Ha!"

Dani huffed, "And our original victim, Holton?"

"A similar concentration. More than enough to induce extreme panic, fear leading to cardiac arrest."

Malcolm nodded slowly, "Those levels were no accident. Our killer doses his victims, that's his M.O. To induce fear that ultimately kills them."

"You're right." Theodora agreed, "We're looking for someone who was harmed by Dr Brown's experiments, someone who couldn't outrun the fear."

"That's what removing the brain represents: the destruction of his own mind. These kills are mission oriented, he wants to rid the world of the people that did this to him." Malcolm explained.

Theodora smiled, "Boom."

Gil didn't look amused, instead he shared a look with each one of them. "I want you to go to Elaine Brown's house. Get over to her place, now."

Theodora went to leave with the rest of them, but Gil called her name and told her to wait.

"Yah?" She asked, turning back around.

"You go home. You're hurt and didn't bother to stay for medical attention. Go home, check your head I'm sure it's aching, and you shouldn't be walking with that limp." Gil stared, "Stay home, Fletcher. You've been a great help and I don't need to you seriously hurt."

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