Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five:

Theodora sat in that board room for five minutes before her mind clicked things together and she jumped up, rushing from the room.

"Where the hell are you going?" JT had yelled, and she stopped turning to stare at him. "I have an idea."

Now she stood in Dr Elaine Brown's office, waiting patiently for the women to return.

Theodora didn't need to hear what the others had to say, she was slowly piecing it together in her mind. She'd question Brown on the drugs they used to research, ask her questions about LSD then find out everything about Alice Dowey.

"I thought I made myself clear when I stated I was finished with your absurd questions, Detective."

Elaine Brown sauntered in, the glass door clicking shut behind her. The women walked around her large oak desk before taking a seat.

"Call me Theodora, Dr Brown." Theodora nodded, "I only have a few questions about your research."

The women hesitated, but her head nodded slightly. "Very well."

"What drugs are you researching? What are these young people taking and what exactly are you watching for?"

"Brain waves, signals. Neurological things... breaks in the system." She said, grazing the subject. Theodora knew she'd never go into detail. "LSD is what we focus on."

"And what is the purpose?"

She pursed her lips, hands fidgeting on the desk. "You've studied Psychology, Theodora. I do think you know."


Elaine chuckled, "I remember you. You were quite remarkable, always wanted to learn more. How to be better." The women shrugged, "We offered you a position to be apart of our studies but as soon as you learned what you'd be doing you backed out. I'm surprised you'd ever return, considering you had been terrified."


"Psychedelics impair fear and inhibition, Theodora. Altered thoughts, feelings and awareness of one surroundings. You were afraid of something, and you didn't want to resurface it." Brown said, "We asked you because of this fear, which you backed out because of it as well. Seeing you all these years later I still see it in you."

"I don't remember—"

"Because you're mind didn't want you to. You've suppressed it, burying it deep within your mind that even now standing in this same office you still cannot remember. What are you so afraid of, Theodora?"

She hated how the women was saying her name, and she hated even more how she couldn't remember a single thing.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave, I do have work to do."

"Why did Alice kill herself? How long had she been apart of this program?"

Elaine stood up, motioning for Theodora to follow. "Years. I'm not sure how long, it's been such a long time."

Theodora stood up, slowly making her way towards the door that Elaine propped open. "Why did—"

"The same reason you backed out." Brown snapped, any patience she had was gone. "Alice Dowey was the weakest link. She succumbed to her fears and did what she thought would end that feeling. She broke. Just as you will in time, if you do not—"

Theodora stared at the women with disgust, "You blame yourself."

"Excuse me?"

"That's why whenever we asked questions about her or the program you deflected and spoke about other work. You blame yourself, so you excuse this incident as repercussions for the work she was included in. That she knew what would've happened but she didn't know she'd be driven to end her own life—"

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