Fifty Seven

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Chapter Fifty Seven:

Even though it appeared Theodora had the day to herself, she found herself back at the precinct. The offices were surprisingly empty as she walked around desks, trying to see if one of her friends were around. It had been a few hours later, she was sure they were finished with talking to the victims family and friends.
The elevator dinged and she turned, "Gil!" She smiled as he appeared, a cup of coffee gripped in a hand.

"I figured you'd be back."

"You're a smart man." She followed him into a board room where Malcolm, Dani and JT already were.

"She found us." JT watched as she sat down, "We saw you walking around out there. Wondered how long it would take for you to realize we were all in here."

Theodora glared over at him, "I didn't know you had a sense of humour."

Gil cleared his throat, taking a seat. "Tell me about our sadist, Bright."

"Uh, okay." Malcolm turned to face them from where he stood at the front of the room, in front of the large white board. "Your garden-variety sadist takes pleasure from inflicting pain. On average, it takes three stabs at a four inch depth to kill someone."

JT looked extremely uncomfortable as he stared at Malcolm, "Where do you get a stat like that?"

"Our killer accelerated his attack in order to deliver more strikes before Gavin expired." He ignored JT's question, nodding slowly as he finished his sentence.

"What are the chances this was a random murder?" Gil questioned.

"Unlikely." Delilah chimed in, "This sounds like it started as a murder of opportunity."

"Gavin's wife Crystal certainly had motive." Dani began, "You know, they were going through the middle of a divorce. Computer checks show multiple domestic incident reports. When uni's showed up, Gavin usually had the black eye."

"She's a hitter." Gil nodded slowly, a brow raised.

Malcolm pursed his lips, "But, she is very devoted to her son. She called him her 'everything.'"

"That's what Mom's say." Dani said.

"It's more than that."

Theodora looked at the desk, a frown forming on her face. Malcolm once told her that when he was little, whenever he seemed unsure around his father, that's what he was told. No matter how many times Martin called his son his 'everything', he still went out and killed. Look where he was now.

"I think Crystal has a Jocasta complex. It's the material version of an Oedipal complex."

JT crossed his arms, "Please tell me they're not sleeping together."

She snorted, glancing to him. His face was still, completely serious.

"Not necessarily." Malcolm nodded.

Theodora turned to him, eyes wide. "You've got to be kidding me."

"A Jocasta mother emotionally depends on her child like an adult partner but they're not usually sadists."

Dani tapped the desk, "Enter Jake, Crystal's trainer and boyfriend. He has a history of prior assaults. He even tried to kill a guy in Bed-Stuy using Krav Maga."

"Israeli martial arts will mess you up real good." JT agreed.

"Tell me." Gil sighed, "How will we know this guy's a sadist?"

Malcolm took a deep breath, his eyes bright as they usually were when he had a stupid idea.

"I have an idea."

She nodded, she knew it. "Theo, you're gonna help on this one.

She smiled, "Really?"

Malcolm crossed his arms, "He's a trainer, right? So I just need to see his eyes, really look into his soul, you know? When he's at his most aggressive state, that is. We'll go to his studio and rile him up, etc."

"You are good at pissing people off." JT said.

Delilah snickered as she stood up, "What happens when you confirm if he is a sadist or not?"

"I'll be there." Gil said, "Somewhere. I'll wait for the confirmation and then step out, let him know what's going on. Call and set up a time, preferably this evening so we can work all this out tomorrow. Get some questioning in."

Malcolm grinned, "I should go get ready."

He went to the door, peaking back in and raising a brow at Theodora. "We don't have all day."

She rolled her eyes, walking out after him. He linked their arms together as they made it to the elevator, clicking the button down and waiting patiently.

"What exactly are you getting ready for? You just have to call and see if he can fit you in."

The doors opened and he pulled her in, "I need to look the part."

Her brows scrunched together, "What?"

"Track suit. Sneakers. Everything."

Theodora blinked slowly, "So you're just gonna dress like most people?"

"Who wears tracksuits anymore?"

"Maybe not the full get up but sweatpants or anything stretchy is my favourite piece of clothing." She looked up at him, "Not everyone wears suits 24/7. We're not crazy."

The doors opened yet again and they began their trek out of the building, Malcolm leading them down the street to find a taxi that would take them back to his apartment.

"Are you calling me crazy?"

She chuckled, "You've always been crazy, Mal."

"You're not so sane yourself."

Theodora shrugged, "Which means we aren't boring. So, I will take that as a win."

He paused, smiling down at her. For once he didn't look tired or zoned out, which was odd because nothing had changed within the last few days. He pulled her into a hug, "You're my best friend, you know that."

"Did you just friend-zone me?"

Malcolm let go of her and stepped away, taking back off down the street. "It hurts, doesn't it?" He shouted playfully.

Theodora rolled her eyes, amusement dancing in them. "A little." She admitted, rushing off after him. They did have a job to get done.

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