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Chapter Fifteen:

"You're really tired—"

Theodora's eyes flew open, slowly focusing on a face in front of her.

Malcolm smiled, "Hey, Theo."

She pushed herself out of the chair, "Malcolm—"

"I'm out!"

"They just let you leave?"

He nodded, linking his arm threw hers. "Yes. And Ainsley stopped by, a nice little brother-sister talk."

"Your sister was here?"

"Yup. And after yelling at me as she does, she decided to let me know you were passed out in the entry way."

"Cool." Theodora mumbled, blinking away sleep. "And why was she so angry?"

Malcolm shrugged as they walked out, "Something about— you know what, it's not important."

Theodora frowned, stopped in the middle of sidewalk. She stepped side, yanking him after her. "Are you feeling ok? You were pretty upset earlier—"

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"


Theodora squinted at him, a humming noise escaping her lips.

"What aren't you telling me?"


"Malcolm." Theodora huffed, "Does it involve your dad?"

He said nothing, only shook his head.

"I just watched you almost die from a snake bite, sat with you until you woke up, was pushed away as you yelled at me because you couldn't wake up and then—"


"No! You are going to tell me what it is you're keeping a secret, alright? You're going to tell me right now, Malcolm Whitly—"

"Martin's been calling me."

She paused, brows furrowing. "He has a phone?"


"Is that who's always calling you? It's been you're dad all along?"

Malcolm nodded, a frown forming on his face. "I saw new things. In my nightmare. I opened the box, that parts always the same but this time I see the girl for more than a split second— then he's behind me and holds something against my mouth. It all goes black after that..."

"You're saying that your father drugged you? As a child?"

A nod.

"Well, I mean... I wouldn't put it past him, ya know."


She sighed, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Malcolm frowned, the coldness returning to him. One she hadn't seen much, when it directed towards her.

"I need to go talk to him." He told her, "He's the only one who can tell me the truth. He's the only one with the truth. Please, Theo."

Theodora sighed, pursing her lips. "When are we going."

"Now." He grabbed ahold of her hand and yanked her back onto the main sidewalk. "We go now."

"Now? You just got out of the hospital, have you eaten?"


"Hey." She stopped, placing a hand on his forehead. "And you're burning up. We're grabbing a bite to eat first, alright? You're looking pale, to—"

He huffed, but agreed. And she took the lead, marching up the street. It took five minutes for Theodora to find a place she liked, and they walked in the small little restaurant.

"Table for 2?"

Theodora nodded, following the man down some steps and into a large open room. Tables were placed in lines, and a large tv took up the entire back wall. The clock read 4:53pm, and Theodora couldn't believe the time. How long had they been at the hospital? Was it all really a blur?

They stopped at a booth, and they both slipped in on either side. The waiter placed two menus in front of them and disappeared.

"So." Theodora clicked her tongue, "What are you getting?"

"Not sure."

Her foot tapped lightly on the ground, and when she glanced over at him his head was facing downwards at the menu.

She watched, trying to read his face. But he looked determined as he stared down, with hair dropped down in his eyes which he only blinked away. His head flopped up, "What?"

"Nothing." She told him, looking away. "I think I'm gonna get the spaghetti."

"Really? When did you start liking pasta?"

She shrugged, "Try something new."

Malcolm pursed his lips, then went back to his menu. "It wasn't all just that nightmare. Last night."

Theodora looked over at him again, ignoring the waiter who placed two glasses of water in front of them. He turned without another word, leaving them alone once again.


He shook his head, "You where there. But... he got you."

"Who got me?"

He swallowed, "The Surgeon." A shake of his head, "I'm not hungry, actually. Can we just go now, to see him?"

Theodora didn't have a chance to reply, he stood up and turned for the door. She scrambled after him, slipping out behind.

"Mal— are you sure?"

He glanced at her as they walked side by side down the emptying street, "Sure of what?"

"Of wanting the truth." She sighed, rubbing her eyes. "Do you really what to know?"

He stopped, grabbing ahold of her hand and dragging her towards a parked taxi. He opened the door and shoved himself in, she followed next. The driver jumped, but calmed down when Malcolm apologized then gave the address. When they merged into traffic, he looked at her with a worried eyes.


"You can't undo it." Theodora said, "Once you find out, and I know you will, you'll know forever."

"I need to know what happened. The girl in the box... what he's done to me. You don't have to come—"

She grabbed his hand, holding it tightly. "If you need too, I'll be there. I'm allowed in the room this time, right?"

He snorted, "Yes. I'm sure you can annoy my father into telling me what I'd like to know."

"Wow, how rude." She snickered, "But I'll try."

He flashed a warm smile, "I know you will."

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