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Arthur Fleck x Male!Reader

Two bodies laid curled up around each other, under a thin floral duvet.

Last night, Arthur had come home bloodied and battered with tear-stained cheeks.

His mother was sleeping and he didn't want to be alone.

Well...he didn't want to be alone in his head.

He couldn't cuddle his mom or ask her for anything romantic.

That would be weird.

So he called the only person he knew that would come hold him at one in the morning.

It took some coaxing and convincing to get him over, but when (Y/n) saw how fucked up he was, he refused to let him go.

Sleep didn't come easily that night for either of them.

The sound of Gotham, his mother's snores, and a million and one thoughts made it difficult.

Warm nibble fingers played in his hair.

"I don't want to ask..." (Y/n) broke the silence, his (s/c) cheeks were damp with tears.

He had spent nearly an hour holding Arthur close, constantly reconstructing and demolishing his question about what caused all of this pain.

"Ask what?" Arthur whispered against his neck, his eyelashes tickling his skin.

"What happened."

Arthur was silent for a moment.

"Why not?"

"I don't want you to relive it."

"I've been reliving it in my mind all night."

(Y/n) pulled him closer and kissed his forehead.

"Why didn't you call me sooner?"

"I couldn't think straight."

(Y/n) felt like shit for asking that. He knew Arthur's mind was in shambles.
There were large indigo bruises on his stomach and back that were accented with smaller scabs from being jumped at work earlier this week.

(Y/n) just wanted to hide him from the world.

Nobody deserved this precious man.

He wanted nothing more than to coexist with people and to make the world smile and laugh.

Arthur was great with kids.

Yet, the world wouldn't give him a chance.

"You can ask me though." Arthur looked up at (Y/n) with somber eyes. "Reliving it once more won't do anymore damage than it already has."

"You got jumped again?" He mumbled as his fingers carefully caressed the man's back.

The brun nodded before pressing his face into the other's neck.

"How many people, this time?"




(Y/n) tensed up as he whispered. "Where are they now?"





"They're dead."


"I shot them."




(Y/n) sighed as he felt the man begin to sob into his chest, wetting his chest with endless tears.

He'd let him cry for however long he needed to.

Better out than in, or something like that.

Arthur's emotions would eat him alive if (Y/n) wasn't there.

Gnawing away until there was nothing left but bloodlust and rage.

The unrelenting need for revenge for everyone that had forced his butterfly out of its chrysalis before he was truly at his prime.

He had been wronged so much that (Y/n) was more surprised he hadn't completely lost his shit already.

He'd been jumped.


Cursed out.




The list kept growing and (Y/n) couldn't stand to watch it anymore.

He hated how scrawny Arthur had become over the years from starving himself and popping a multitude of self-preserving pills. He'd given his mother the world, yet she looked just as pitiful as him.

His heart had never ached so badly for someone.

(Y/n)'s hands lazily played in his messy brown hair.

"I'm taking you away from here." (Y/n) mumbled. "The world doesn't deserve someone as precious as you."

"Where would we go?"



"We could travel the country, Arthur. There is more than Gotham out there."

"Will people treat me any better out there?"


"..." He seemed to lighten up at that as he sniffled.

"But don't dream too big. There are assholes everywhere."

Arthur nodded. "I-" he hesitated. "I just don't want to get hurt anymore."

"Then I'll protect you."

"You will?"

"Yeah. I'll be your knight in shining armor and you can be my king." He nuzzled the smaller man who was starting to yawn with exhaustion. "Now, sleep for me, love." He whispered softly. "You need it."

"Will you still be here when I wake up?"

"Do you want me to?"

Arthur nodded drowsily. "Please." He sniffled before snaking his arms around his companion's hips. "Please stay."

"Alright." He exhaled before humming a soft tune.

Once he heard Arthur's breathing even out, he stopped humming.

"I love you Arthur." He murmured before falling asleep as well.

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