Kink (VI)

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⚠ Smut ⚠

Fem!Reader x Joker

The Great Amanda Waller was in town for a facility check and Dr. Arkham was constantly putting (Y/n) and Waller together with the hopes of keeping the bitch as far away from him as possible.

This forced pair didn't exactly go too well.

Big emphasis on too and well and EXACTLY.

In short, it was a bad idea from the start.

Waller ate the bones of miserable people for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and more than likely washed it down with a decadent slice of hopes and dreams before chugging down a glass of collected souls and tears. 

Was this a literal statement?


It's not too hard to believe.

(Y/n) glanced up at the woman standing over her before refocusing on her work.

All (Y/n) had to do was update each patient's file, sort through old files that were 40 years old- that were unfortunately located in the darkest and dingiest place in the asylum- and then look over all reports submitted to Dr. Arkham about anything the other employees felt like he needed to know.

It would take a year or two to complete all of it, but Amanda seemed adamant about her getting most of it magically done within a week, forcing her to give up all of her lunch breaks and work an inhumane amount of overtime.

Friday had finally come and she was aching from being overworked.

Amanda wasn't too horrible after enduring her for a few days, but she was very intense.

The glaring woman standing over (Y/n) seemed to amplify how tedious her job was by constantly asking questions and making condescending comments.

"Why'd you head that file like that?"

"That's how we do it here."

"The formatting looks shitty."

"Well, take it up with Dr. Arkham."

"If you have the time to do something, do it right."

"I've done all of the files thus far like this."

Amanda rolled her eyes. "Where does Arkham find you people?"

(Y/n) felt her blood boil as Waller shoved her out of her chair and immediately started adjusting the format to her liking.

Once she was done she started opening older files and adjusting them as well.

(Y/n) had somehow managed to keep herself composed. The officer got up, ignoring her new bruises, and left for lunch.

When she came back, Dr. Arkham was fuming by her desk.

"Two questions."

"Yes sir?"

"Why was Waller doing your work and why is she messing around with confidential INFORMATION!?"

"She kept screaming at me for not formatting like she wanted-"

"Who hired you?"

"You did."

"Then who's orders do you follow?"


The old man logged into the computer before permanently deleting everything off the computer.

"Do it all over."

"But that took all week-"

"You can easily be replaced, (L/n)."

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