Heart & Soul

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Request - 6MommyMilkers9
!Reader x Arthur/Joker

Gotham was one of the only places (Y/n) could think of where the piss poor and lavish rich could walk around amongst each other.

Sure the rich avoided them like the scum they had become, but they were still around.

The only thing that divided them was their income.

Their attitudes were all roughly the same stench of shit. Disrespectful to anyone but their own kin and uncaring for those who got harmed around them.

Work was really hard to find these days, even more so now that the government seemed to be having a plethora of budget cuts.

The rich weren't impacted but with the sudden increase of homeless people, you could clearly see who was.

They were killing the middle class with inflation and increased taxes and Gotham was falling further and further away from what God had initially made it.

(Y/n) tapped her foot as she strummed a few strings on her guitar, playing well known rifts as people walked by, ocassionally playing a full song with the hopes of grabbing someone's attention.

The (h/c) woman had been doomed with the unfortunate job of being a street performer.

There was nothing wrong with being a street performer, however, street performing in Gotham was horrific.

(Y/n) constantly had to chase people down to get her money back and be painfully aware of her surroundings at all times.

Standing in the midst of a walking crowd paid the bills, but she was at a bigger risk of being mugged, shoved into the street of oncoming traffic, and attacked.

She carried pepper spray, but some bastards had somehow manifested the ability to attack while in agonizing pain, blind or not.

(Y/n) sighed as she sung along to a Spanish song she was playing.

" A la nanita nana

nanita ella, nanita ella

Mi niña tiene sueño

bendito sea, bendito sea "

Some people had stopped, suddenly enthralled by the foreign language.

A clown who was dancing with his yellow sign had stopped and was now watching with curious eyes. 

" A la nanita nana

nanita ella, nanita ella

Mi niña tiene sueño

bendito sea, bendito sea "

Some of the bystanders had started putting money in her hat on the ground before a tall lanky kid squeezed himself to the front, frantic eyes flickering around.

(Y/n) was a little on edge as she watched him, but chose to continue singing.

" Fuentecita que corre

Clara y sonora

Ruiseñor que en la selva

Cantando y llora

Calla mientras la cuna

Se balancea

A la nanita nana

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