Batshit (II)

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Batman!Male!Reader x Joker

The Joker jolted awake, frantically looking around, sweat decorating his skin.

Initially he had thought (Y/n) had taken him back to Arkham, but his surroundings confirmed that the hero had stayed true to his word.

His tense muscles slowly relaxed back into the warm bed as the sound of (Y/n)'s heart caught his attention.

The clown pressed his face into the man's bare chest as tears started to spill down his cheeks.

(Y/n)'s heart beat got a little faster and moments later a gentle hand was curling his green hair around slender fingers.

"Did I wake you?"


"Then what woke you up?"

"I can sense when you're distressed, Arthur."

(Y/n) continued to play in his hair, watching the clown lay on his chest with closed eyes.

Joker's crimson stained lips parted slightly before he whispered against (Y/n)'s skin. "Thank you."

"For what?" (Y/n) mumbled after yawning.

"Not taking me to Arkham."

"You've never begged me for anything before."

"Not true."


"I've begged for your cock several times." Arthur smirked a little before shivering as a hand firmly gripped his ass.

"Why are you always horny when you're miserable?"

"I use rough sex as a coping mechanism."

"Of course you do."

"We've been dating for almost three years." Arthur scoffed. "Have you not learned anything about me?"

"Eh. You're a man of surprise."


"You keep me on my toes." (Y/n) trailed his fingers up the clown's spine. "But every now and then you show me who you really are."

"Do you hate me when I'm like this?"

"No. If anything, it makes me want to drown you with love." He added pressure, smiling as a soft moan fell from his lover's lips.


"Just enjoy it, love."

Warm lips locked with his for a moment, Arthur leaning in needingly before whimpering as (Y/n) broke the kiss.

"I want more."

(Y/n) smiled sleepily before giving his lover another kiss, sucking softly on his bottom lip before landing a nip.

Arthur felt like butter under his touch, melting as hot hands explored all of his exposed skin. (Lip color) lips leaving a trail of hickeys on his pale neck hungrily before he smiled down at the panting beauty under him.

Dazed, halflidded, green eyes looked up lovingly.

Lustful eyes flickered down to the clown's slightly swollen lips before drowning in needy pools of emerald.

Joker and Arthur were men who enjoyed mixing pain with pleasure.

Joker had a bigger pain tolerance than Arthur, but they both didn't care for soft touches and hot kisses that left one's brain clouded.

They loved to draw blood and clash teeth, kissing (Y/n) until their lips were hurting.

The pain kept both of them grounded in reality and (Y/n) usually complied, only withdrawing when things became too rough.

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