Friends (II)

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Fem!Reader x Arthur

⚠Sexual Assualt⚠
(There's a warning when the scene starts and ends, I did not go into detail.)


After meeting with Arthur that night, (Y/n) had run into him several times throughout the week.

It was getting to the point where she was beginning to be suspicious but she was also looking forward to seeing the brun.

(Y/n) walked down the isle with a basket of canned food, frantically glancing over the food before her.

"Hey (Y/n)."

She turned to look at the man next to her. "Hi, Arthur."

He smiled down at her. "How was your day?"

"It just started."


"I've been inside all day."

"So what brings you here?"

"Mom's expecting someone over today, so I have to cook dinner."

He tilted his head before gently taking her basket. "What are you making?"

"Uh. Meatloaf and mashed potatoes."

"I've only had that as a tv dinner."

"Well. I can save you a piece if you feel like waiting until midnight again."

"Of course." He smiled.

She offered a small smile back.

He frowned as he noticed a bruise on her cheek. "What happened there?"

(Y/n)'s smile fell off her face as she tried to hide it with her hair. "Nothing."

"Does it hurt?" He asked as he tilted her chin up gently.

"It's not a big deal."

"I asked if it hurt."


Arthur's green eyes searched her (e/c) ones before let out a small sigh of defeat.

"This came from your mom, didn't it?"

(Y/n) barely nodded as she lowered her gaze.

His eyes softened before he stepped back.

This was how things were.

He'd find her.

Carry her things.

Converse a little.

Notice something off.

Console her.

Walk her home.

And then they'd part ways at the front entrance.

But today was different.

Neither of them could exactly pin point how, but they could feel it.

Arthur held her hand as they walked down the street.

"So how was work for you, Arthur?"

"Um. It's ok."

"Why's it ok?"

"One of my coworkers...." He hesitated. "I can't tell if he's a good person or not."

(Y/n) nodded. "Oh."

He softly squeezed her hand as they waited at a crosswalk for the signal to change.

"Um. Before I leave you today, I want you to take my number."

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