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 Hi, guys, this is my first fan fiction so... here it goes!

Disclaimer: I own none of these amazing characters! I just thought of this plot! Everything else belongs to Shannon Messenger!


Why me?

Sophie couldn't believe it. "How...Why?" she asked the matchmakers, tears pooling in her eyes. The matchmakers had no explanation and when Grady and Edaline came in, she kept silent, afraid if she talked she would start bawling. "Come on Sweetie lets go home", Edaline said, "we can make some mallow melt together!" Trying to cheer Sophie up a little. As soon as they got home however, she ran to her room and began to cry.

Now Fitz can't be with me or anybody for that matter. But she couldn't cry anymore. It was pointless. She got up wiped her eyes and came downstairs. Thank god it was a summer break. "Edaline?" she asked, "Can Mr. Forkle get a few get things from the human cities?" She nodded and sure enough a few hours later, every book in the Harry Potter and  Percy Jackson series were there with the movies, a laptop to watch them on, and human treats.

If she wasn't gonna cry, she was at least going to have some of her favorite human things. Reading and watching to wallow away her sadness and take on other characters. she was just about to start when Edaline came in with something that looked like a violin. " I know you want to be alone but when Jolie got upset she sometimes played the villin. Maybe it can help." She said shyly. "Thanks," Sophie said," It means a lot." "I'll go get the practice sheets," Edaline said. Sophie picked it up. It basically the same thing as a violin and she played it for 4 years. Her teacher said she was terrible but she was actually pretty good. And she started to play her heart out. It felt...surprisingly  good.

The song was powerful and rich and she forgot how much she loved Music. When she finished. She heard to clapping behind her. Edaline and Keefe there looking amazed. "Wow, foster I didn't know you could play the villin!" He smiled but it quickly faded when he felt her emotions. Are you OK? He quickly came over and Edaline excused herself. "Sophie what's wrong. Why are you crying" She hadn't realized her crying until he said it. She sighed and sat down on the bed with Keefe. " I went to the Matchmakers today," She whispered Keefe's face fell a little. "They told me I was unmatchable and here I am all depressed because I'll ever be is some genetic mutation." She spilled out. Keefe looked at her and said," No your not you are the most amazing person I have ever met. You're smart kind, beautiful, and anyone who doesn't see that is incredibly stupid. She looked at him"Thanks" she mumbled "Don't mention it. What are these things" pointing to the movies? She laughed "my favorite series of all time was harry potter so I asked Mr. Forkle to get me some stuff to you know cope right now." 

   "Can we watch it now?" he asked hopefully. Sophie smiled. With Keefe cuddled next to her with popcorn and cookies she started the movie.


"Wow," Keefe said when they finished "that was.. awesome! Are there more?" She smiled "Yeah a bunch bit we can't watch everything right now. maybe next time you come over." She felt better. Keefe always made her laugh when she needed it. 

"Hey Sophie," Keefe asked, "can you play one more song for me on the villin?" "sure," she said and thought of the perfect song and started to play "I like me better" on the violin. Keefe didn't know the song but he loved it anyway, just being able to watch her doing something she loved. Then he remembered his conversation with Adlen. And felt sad.  She finished playing and smiled. Keefe loved it when she smiled. "Hey it's getting late I should probably get going," he said softly. She nodded. He knew that neither of them wanted to actually leave but said anyway "I'm always here for you Sophie" as he light leaped away, "Always" he whispered as she walked away. 

Grady watched everything that happened as Keefe left. He truly cares for Sophie Grady thought I need to talk to him later on, as Sophie came inside. 

There it is guys!! My first fanfiction! Please comment and tell me how it is! Constructive Criticism is always welcome!

-girl of many fandoms  

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