Our Fair Riverdale

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Season 1 Episode 5: Right before Jason Blossom's memorial. 


Jughead narration: Every town has one. A spooky house all the kids avoided. Ours was Thornhill, the Blossom Family's mansions with it's very own graveyard. And, trapped within its walls like some gothic heroine was Cheryl Blossom. Still grieving for her beloved brother, Jason. Linked in death even as they were in life.

Fred had waltzed into Archie's room after listening to Archie pummel his punching bag with rigor. 

Despite the recent debacle, with the revelation of his son's relationship with his former music teacher, Ms. Grundy, Fred couldn't help but feel guilty for not being as close with his son had he had liked. 

"Hey, Rocky."

Archie stopped and steadied the bag before looking at his father. "Hey."

The older man walked in quietly, "You know, I never thought I'd say that I miss you playing your guitar, but..."

"Sorry Dad. Just trying to get back in fighting shape for the field."

Archie began punching his bag, Fred held it for him. "So, this is all for football?"

 Archie stopped looking at his father, "Coach Clayton's about to set the starting line-up, name a new captain." Another jab thrown towards the bag, "It's like you said. Football gets me a scholarship, which gets me to college, where I can study music."

Fred looked down watching as his son developed a drive towards his future, one he hadn't initial anticipated for Archie. He had hoped for his son to work with him at the Andrews Construction and eventually take over the family business when he was older. 

However, Fred didn't enjoy seeing his son like this, beating himself up over his mistakes, it was an image he never wanted. "Captains get scholarships." Archie tilted his head.

"Yeah," Fred said softly. "I-uh- have someone who might have another opinion."

Archie looked at his father, who had gestured towards the doorway. His eyes followed where the man had nodded to see his sister leaning against the doorframe.

The strawberry-blonde smirked at her brother. "Yeah, I heard you were turning into a meat head." 

Archie smiled looking at his sister. "Emma? What are you doing here?"

He was surprised. Exuberant, but surprised. 

"Oh, I just took a two hour plane ride to tell you that you still suck." Her voice was laced with sarcasm. Archie had missed her teasing, "What do you think I am doing here?"

"Still a terror, I see." He smiled at her.

Tearing off his boxing gloves, he moved towards her as she stepped back. "Whoa there, Capt. One, you're sweaty as hell and two, you smell vile." He laughed as Emma's face cringed.

"Well I missed you, peanut." He kissed her forehead before grabbing a towel to dab the sweat off of his forehead.

She rolled her eyes at her loathsome nickname awarded by her twin. Unlike most of her family, Emma was on the shorter side, and even in school she was always the tiniest. That didn't mean that she didn't find ways to terrorize those around her. 

Archie had always teased her about her height, now was no different as she stood at 5' 2" while her brother was a solid 5' 11". If Emma had known any better, she was convinced that Archie could bench press her with his pinky.

"Go wash up. I brought Pop's home after picking this one up from the airport." Archie nodded at his dad. Emma pointed to the bathroom as he heard his sister talking to their dad while she followed him out the room. 

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