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Two days, that was the max her father would give her to stay home.

For those two days, Emma did nothing but lay in bed, not changing from her pajamas, or contact anyone really for that matter.

Upon hearing a knock on her door, she saw her brother smile at her before walking over to where she laid. Archie sat on her bed, handing her dinner knowing she wouldn't eat it, "Mayor McCoy wants you, me, and Betty to be showcased at the Jubilee. She asked to me to see if you wanted to show some of your art. Maybe hang it or display? She said 2-4 big pieces would be great."

She snorted as she picked at her food, "Yeah well, she can shove it. Veronica already told me she ostracized Jughead."

"Come on, just think about it. Jug doesn't even care, he never planned to go." She looked at him as he pleaded, "Betty is doing a speech, I'm singing-"

She chuckled, "-Please don't choke this time."

They laughed and soon he left, leaving her to consider the offer.

As quick as everything had happened, it had ended.

Her two days were up and she found herself staring at her dark green blouse and high waisted tan pants. Her hair was longer than she remembered, going halfway down her back. Grabbing a clip, she pulled the sides of her hair back.

"You ready?" Archie asked her.

"Yeah, guess so." She picked up her bag, heading downstairs to go to school.


"You and I have a lot in common." Veronica chimed as she sat next to Jughead at their lunch table, everyone was MIA, except for the two. 

It had snowed like crazy in Riverdale, forcing them to now move indoors for the next few weeks. Jughead raised his eyebrow and looked at her, "Oh because my dad's going to prison and yours is getting out?"

"We're dating each other's close friends, I was going to say. But yes, the prison thing too."

Emma had approached her with paint on her cheek and a stressed look, she sat down pick at a fry off of Jughead's plate. "You told her?"

She looked at Jughead confused as she chewed, "Told who what?"

"That we are dating?" He gestured towards Veronica, who waved causing Emma to roll her eyes. Jughead had confirmed Veronica's suspicions by asking the strawberry blonde.

"Um, no. I didn't because that would imply that we are and she had no idea," Veronica smiled as Emma spoke. "you just confirmed it for her. Great play, Forsythe." She chuckled grabbing another fry.

"Uh, Em? You have a little something?" Veronica pointed to her cheek. Mimicking the action, Emma felt the paint that began drying on her face, looking towards her hand, she spotted the source of where it came from. "Ugh, stupid thing." She attempted to wipe it off.

Veronica eyed her, "Why are you covered in paint?"

"Decided to paint for the Jubilee," She said in a chipper fashion. "I'm taking full advantage of the pre-paid huge canvases and free art supplies. Finally gives me a chance to branch out."

Before anyone could respond, Cheryl popped out of nowhere causing Emma to jump, "Jughead."

"Jesus, Cher. You scared the crap out of me."

Smiling down at her friend, she offered a smile. "Sorry Emmie." She looked back at Jughead, "I'm sorry. I had no right to pummel you the way I did that day. As recompense, I'd like to give you this." She tossed her brooch to Jughead who caught it and examined it. "My iconic spider brooch."

The Story of Emma AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now