The Beginning It Is

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Jughead Narration: One week after Riverdale High's absorption of its Southside counterpart, and everything was the same.

And nothing was the same.

Take Archie Andrews, on the surface he's getting ready for basketball tryouts, as he does every winter. But underneath, he was churning, his life in chaos after an unexpected visit from the Feds. And Emma Andrews, who searched for new meaning, finding her safe space just as her twin had found his in football and music. Still lost, she attempted to find something, anything really. Meanwhile, the town was preparing to honor its founding father, General Augustus Pickens.


"You literally stink." Emma stated as they entered their house after Archie's basketball training. She had been staying late at school, scouring extracurriculars, find none that suited her. She had been part of the Art Club until Ms. Castillo, the former art teacher took a leave of absence, causing Emma to leave knowing she had only remained in the club to be with her favorite teacher.

Archie unlocked the door to hear sounds of voices in their dining room. The two shared a look as they made their way to the table that sat their father, the Lodges, Veronica, Sheriff Keller and Mayor McCoy.

"Hey, Dad."

"Hey, guys." Fred smiled at the twins, who entered the threshold. "Mind if I join you guys?"

Mr. Lodge began to stand, "Actually, Archie, we were just finish up. Fred, thank you for having us. Madam Mayor, you'll let us know in the morning?"

As Archie attempted to make conversation with Mr. Lodge, who was obviously unenthused, Emma moved towards Sheriff Keller. "Sheriff Keller. Do you mind if I can snatch you for a moment?"

He nodded and stood up as Fred smiled. Emma led him into the kitchen as she stood near the sink. He smiled down at her. "What can I do for you, Emma?"

"I was wondering if there were any spots open at the station for work or internship."

He nodded, "And after your loaded threat from our last run in, why? You seemed quite mad, if I recall."

Being best friend's with Kevin meant knowing Tom Keller very well. She knew this was his attempt at pretending to be stern, but really wasn't stern or mad.

"Because both you and I know that I made the right move. There should always be checks and balances." Emma smiled at him and shrugged." Plus, I'm your favorite out of all of your son's friends."

The guy chuckled and shook his head. "Just like Mary Andrews, you also drive a hard bargain, kid."

She smiled as he continued, "Well, Emma, we don't have a program but if it's something you are interested in, I can see where we could place you and look into finding out about receiving some credit. It would look good on college applications, even without it."

"Thank you, Sheriff." He nodded and put his hand on her shoulder. "Come down to my office sometime this week and we can talk more. Sound good?"

She nodded and smiled. "Yeah that sounds perfect."

As they said there goodbye, she entered the dining room, helping her dad clear the table before dinner.


Emma sat in the music room with Veronica while she prepared her duet with Josie and the headliner with the Pussycats. "So?" Veronica looked at Emma, who was looking over the music score.

"It was good."


"If you want SoDale to sponsor this, plus my dad. Maybe a more upbeat song later in the set. It's a celebration not a remembrance." Veronica nodded as she began again, while Emma rifled through a series a songs, looking for a replacement for songs to be used later in the set.

The Story of Emma AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now