In the Olden Days

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As Saturday morning approached, Emma's stomach churned with uneasiness. It was her debuted- that she was back in Riverdale for good.

And, under the most unfortunate circumstances, Jason's memorial.

"You look fine, Em. Just relax."

She turned to see Archie in her doorway, sporting his varsity jacket, holding his now former varsity number.

She looked at him with a questioning eye, "It was Jason's number. I want to give it to Mrs. Blossom, thought she would need it more than I would."

Offering her brother a smile, she nodded. "I think so too. It's honorable, Arch." She turned back to look in the mirror one last time before walking towards Archie.

"No dress, really? Not even for this?" Her brother teased her.

"Varsity jacket, really? Can you be anymore of a high school cliché?" She mocked him. Archie smiled at her and placed his hand on her shoulder, "Are you sure you want to go? It's okay if you don't want to."

Emma shook her head. She knew she should go. If not for her, for the Blossom's- her childhood home away from home.

She was never one to be super girly and he was glad nothing had changed. He noted the mounds of clothes on her bed that she had tried on before settling on her original outfit of high waisted pants and a sleeveless turtleneck. Pairing it with block heels and her usual leather gloves, Emma sighed in the mirror.

"Okay, we have to go before I change my outfit again."

Archie chuckled at her as he followed his sister out. "Yeah, that's gonna suck cleaning up later.


Emma inhaled deeply walking through the old hallways of Thornhill. A place where Cheryl and her would run around as children, pulling pranks on Jason and playing hide-and-seek with Kevin.

She sucked in her breath at the sight of people eyeing her as she neared the room where Jason's body laid.

Archie knew she was nervous, after two years of being gone, much had changed. To her, she was an outsider, even if she grew up with many of the residents of Riverdale. She had just hoped to get through this day, to hug Cheryl, and begin classes once again on Monday.

The two walked into the room, Archie moved towards his friend group while Emma neared Clifford Blossom.

Furrowing his eyebrows he smiled softly at the small strawberry-blonde, "Emma Andrews, as I live and breath."

Emma smiled at him sadly, "Mr. Blossom, it's good to see you again. I just wanted to say I am sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you must be going through." Emma said sadly to the redhaired gentleman.

"No my dear, that you can't." She heard the familiar voice of Penelope Blossom come from behind.

Turning she was faced with the woman who had given Cheryl hell growing up and presumed to still be doing so, but she had always liked Emma. Penelope enveloped the strawberry-blonde girl into an embrace.

The woman had always treated Jason and Emma as her children more so than she did with Cheryl.

And for a time, the redheaded girl resented the two for it, but Emma always combatted the favoritism with making her and Cheryl a package deal much like Jason had done in his later years.

Penelope broke the hug and patted Emma on the arm.

"Though, I hope you never will. Welcome home, Emma.It's wonderful to see you, even on this sad occasion. Jason would've been happy to see you." Emma softly smiled to her knowing Jason's name sat uneasy with Penelope.

The Story of Emma AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now