Dear Theodora

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Jughead Narration: Our story continues. The Mayor's Jubilee was suppose to change everything. Be a new start. But when we woke up the next morning, Riverdale was still, at its heart, a haunted town. Meanwhile, Archie Andrews, who doesn't even have a driver's license yet, is at this very moment careening down the streets of Riverdale, trying to outrace death.

Fred groaned in pain as Archie raced down the streets. Emma and Fred both bled beside the boy as he sped down the road.

"We're almost there, we're almost there." Archie continued to repeat, attempting to convince them, even more so, attempting to convince himself.

Emma attempted to stop the bleeding by placing her hand on her dad's wound. She stifled her cries as pain ran through her own body.

Now, I don't believe in miracles, usually, but it was a miracle that Archie got his dad and sister to Riverdale General without wrecking the truck. It was a miracle, that even while Emma bled out, she held the wound, where her father was shot which kept him alive for longer.

Archie dragged his dad knowing he needed help the most. Fred's body was limp as the redhead wrapped his dad's arm around him, practically dragging the man,

Opening the doors to the hospital he yelled, "Help! Please I need help! My dad- he's-"

"Gurney!" A nurse yelled rounding the corner.

"What happened to him?"

"H-he was shot. Please, my sister is in the truck, she's been hit too." The doctor nodded throwing orders as he called for another gurney and ran with Archie to grab Emma.

The two were met with the sight of Emma barley standing up. She weakly attempted to walk towards her brother as she used the hood of the car for support. Bloodied handprints were smeared across the hood as the girl kept stumbling.

Her body was numb from the pain as fatigue washed over.

Part of her knew that she would die, but she had to at least try to survive.

One more step and Emma's legs gave out, Archie grabbed her while the doctor lifted her feet. They carried her onto the Gurney as she was rushed down the same hall her father was.

"She's unresponsive. Get her to O-2, now." Archie followed but was forced to hang back as his sister was rushed through the doors down another corridor than her father.

Archie peeped through the window to see people shouting orders, "I don't have a pulse." They rounded the corner and vanished from his line of sight.

"Come on, Em. Stay with me." He pleaded. "I'm right here. Oh my God. Is this happening?" Archie panicked as a nurse attempted to calm him.


Veronica, Betty, and Jughead watched as Archie paced the waiting room floor, covered in an obscene amount of blood.


He stopped and looked at his friends as they rushed to hug him, guiding him over to a chair to sit. To learn what had happened.

"I came out of the bathroom and there was this man, thief... Wearing this hood, with a gun pointed at Pop Tate, Emma was standing at the counter, orange juice on the ground as she stared at my dad in fear. That's- that's when he grabbed her and pressed the gun against her head, yelling at Pop to give him money or he would shoot her. My dad tried to get him to let go and then he pointed the gun at him and fired. Before I knew it, she got shot too, trying to get the gun."

"Oh, my God, Archie." Veronica said quietly, shocked by the news.

He continued, clearly shaken by the events. "And then he... he bolted. And Emma was staring at me as she fell. I was holding my dad as Emma withered on the floor, Pop called and ambulance and it didn't come. So I grabbed them and threw them in the truck and drove as fast as I could."

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