A normal trip to the USJ

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It had been a normal day. The city was full of life as it buzzed around.

UA class 1A was going to the USJ.

Their bus was full of chatter as each student compared their opinions.

“Tamaki,” The frog like girl name Tsu spoke her head turned to face the black hair boy know as Tenko Tamaki. “Usually I speak my mind.” Tsu continued as Tamaki’s dull red eyes looked over her evaluating her every move. “Despite the fact that you don’t ever talk to anyone you always look sad when you look at the class.” Tsu finished as the class turned to look at the boy.

Tamaki gently backed away from the class. “I don’t know what you are talking about Tsu.” He stated calmly.

“I’ve seen it too Tamaki!” Ururaka stated as Tamaki rolled his eyes.

“I don’t.” He stated as he lowered his hand onto the seat.


Aizawa quickly wrestled with the bus as the wheel popped.

The class let out screams as the bus came to a sudden halt.

Aizawa carefully left the bus and evaluated what had happened.

On the road a sharp rock stuck out a piece of tire caught on it.

Aizawa let out a sigh as he picked up the rock and returned to the bus. “Everyone calm down, we just caught a rock. I’m going to get a spare from UA. Stay here!” Aizawa commanded as he left for UA.

Instantly Tamaki got up and walked towards the exit of the bus.

“Where do you think your going?” Iida screamed as he reached out and grabbed Tamaki’s arm.

“Let go.” Tamaki threatened as Iida quickly realised his arm.

Iida had always found Tamaki terrifying. From his black hair and red eyes to his small single horn sticking out the side of his head and his creepy costume. The black material had red stripes going along the seams and a hood with large rabbit ears. He had a mouth guard with a sharp teeth pattern. Though no one had seen him with his hood up they knew he wasn’t a normal kid.

“You can’t leave!” Iida shouted as he snapped out of his trance.

“Just try and stop me!” Tamaki shouted as he left heading to the USJ.

The class felt conflicted, whether to chase after their classmate or to follow their teacher’s command.

“Come on!” Uruaraka screamed as she started to follow Tamaki.

“Stay here!” Tamaki ordered back glaring at the girl before walking off.

“How unmanly!” Kirishima announced as he grabbed Ururarak. “Let’s get you an apology!”

A few others cheered as Kirishima, Ururaka, Bakugo, Tsu and Todoroki followed, though not all were going for the same reason.

By the time they got to the USJ Tamaki was already inside.

“Tamaki, where is the rest of the class?!” Thirteen asked worriedly as Tamaki ignored him. “Tamaki!”

“Be quiet!” Tamaki ordered as Kirishima let out a gasp; he just ordered a teacher around. “They are here.” Tamaki announced as a purple cloud appeared.

Out of the portal a man with light blue hair walked out with an army. Quickly the man looked around confusedly.

“He’s not here! He never was going to be here!” Tamaki announced as he stood at the top of the stairs. “It’s good to see you again, Tomura.” Tamaki smirked as Tomura growled.

“Who is that?!” He snarled as Tamaki walked down the stairs.

“I’m sad Tomura. Don’t you remember me?” Tamaki teased as the villain growled. “You looked after me when ‘dad’ couldn’t.”

Tomura’s eyes twitched as he growled wanting to tear the teenager’s body limb from limb.

“O-oh?! You don’t remember me, do you?” Tamaki stopped at the bottom of the stairs. “I guess ‘dad’ couldn’t be bothered to give you even the simplest of quirks, I guess your dear ‘master’ doesn’t care after all.” Tamaki sneered causing Tomura to snap.

“Kill him now!” Tomura ordered as the villains attacked the teenager.

The boy easily dodged the villains who tried to pin him down.

He didn’t use his quirk as he moved around and slammed the villains into the ground.

“Nomu kill him.” Tomura ordered as the bird like creature attacked Tamaki pinning him to the ground.

Tomura smirked as he walked towards the kid placing his hand onto the boy’s shoulder waiting for it to turn to ash.

But it didn’t.

“You’ll regret that.” Tamaki announced as he got out of the Nomu’s arm and pushed Tomura onto the ground.

Tamaki stood tall, standing on Tomura’s face, as he let off a loud roar into the air.

“Nomu, kill him!” Tomura commanded but the Nomu didn’t move. “Nomu!”

“Don’t waste your breath, Shigarki. That Nomu no longer belongs to you.” A new voiced announced as Tamaki turned his head to look at the owner. “Hello again, Tamaki.” The man greeted as Tamaki’s wides widened before a smirk plagued his lips.

“Hello, All For One.” Tamaki greeted before huffing. “I guess you remember then? How comes you’re trying to stop me?” Tamaki asked as he got off Tomura’s face.

“It’s simple really. I quiet like that ending and I would like to see it again.” All For One lifted his hand as hundreds of Nomus attacked Tamaki. “And don’t bother trying to control these ones they won’t listen to you.”

“Well, f**k.” Tamaki activated a part of his quirk as green lighting surrounded him, quickly disappearing. He attacked the Nomus but he couldn’t dodge all of them as he was punched into the ground.

Tamaki growled as he activated a different part of his quirk, a mist dispersing as Tamaki once again disappeared.

In the mist filled with images plaguing the villains sights. Each and every Nomu tried to get away from the pictures but you can’t escape what’s in your mind.

Tamaki was about to knock out a Nomu when he heard shouting. “Stay the f**k away from me! You sh*ty villains!” Bakugo screamed as his explosions crackled.

“Oh f**k!” Tamaki swore before sending a shock wave at his classmates pushing Thirteen and the students out of the building.

But it was already too late, Bakugo’s sparks had landed in the mist.

“I’m gonna kill that boy.” Tamaki stated before quickly rising a protective barrier around him.

All For One quickly grabbed Tomura and pushed him through the portal Kurogiri had created just as the mist caught fire.

Like hydrogen the mist exploded into a fire ball of heat.

Tamaki let out a scream as he fought against the blazing tire cracking his only protection from the consuming heat.

“What happened! Aizawa asked loudly as he pulled the minibus up.

Thirteen, Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima, Ururaka and Tsu were lying on the ground in shock.

“Hey! What happened?!” Aizawa asked as Ururaka muttered something.

“Tamaki saved us.” Ururaka stated. Aizawa was about to shock at the group when Ururaka let out a horrified gasp. “He's still in there! Tamaki is still in there!”

That was enough for Aizawa as he ran into the burning building. He could see Tamaki on the floor by the fountain surrounded by burning and bloody bodies. Aizawa quickly ran toward the boy and lifted him up.

He had horrible burns covering his arms and face, half his costume was destroyed showing horrendous scars crossing his chest and back.

One thought travelled through Aizawa’s mind ‘What happened?’

By the time Aizawa had gotten back out of the building most the staff was already here.

“Recovery girl!”  Aizawa screamed as the old lady quickly came over.

She quickly used her quirk to heal as much of the damage as she could but it would take more than one session till he was healed.

“How is he?” Ururaka asked worriedly as Recovery girl shock her head saddly.

“He has burns covering most his face and arms, he also seems to have reopened some old scars across his body but most strangely two of his fingers are broken.” Recovery Girl informed as Aizawa gave her a confused look.

‘His fingers weren’t broken a minute ago. Did I miss them?’Aizawa asked himself as he sighed. “Now that everyone is safe do one of you care to tell us what happened?”

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