Four cats and a hand

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Aizawa grumbled as he tried to calm the chaotic room. He had announced that everyone was to go on the training camp and now they were shouting loudly and refusing to listen. With a final resigned sigh, Aizawa decided he was too tired for this and collapsed in his sleeping bag.

The class was happily planning a shopping day and despite Tamaki's attempts to get out of the events he was being dragged out anyway. He didn't really need anything anyway, so he waited in the main area, making sure that the league of villains would not make a move on the unsuspecting students.

Tamaki was getting more and more bored while waiting, tapping his ails onto the rail. He should have brought Eri, he hadn't had the chance to take Eri to a proper shopping mall before and she would love it.

While looking around, he spotted Tomura walking around the mall and decided to say a quick hello. "Good morning, Tomura. I see you're enjoying your day out. I am surprised father would let you come, knowing I would remember. Stein got under your skin again?"

Tomura growled before spinning around to face Tamaki. "You? You're that one who master is watching. Why is he watching you?"

Tamaki smirked before letting off a small awe. "I'm glad he cares. Would have been better a long time ago but better late than never, huh? Tell me, do you know who I am yet? Or is he avoiding the question like he used to with Blue?" Tamaki seemed to dodge the question swiftly.

Tomura seemed to get annoyed by Tamaki's question, and avoidance of his, as his eye twitched. "Who are you?"

Tamaki smiled brightly at the question while laughing. "Who am I? Who am I? I am Tenko Tamaki, named after my brothers. I am the boy who went through time to try and stop a world from being and I am the boy who will do everything in his power to stop your master, and you if you keep following your master."

Tomura looked like he was going to say something when the class regrouped and called Tamaki over. Tamaki only smiled at the villain before turning away. "Think about it Tomura, we used to be close, last time you made the right choice, I hope you do the same this time."

The group quickly left, none of the others having known about the villain's appearance. Not questioning Tamaki's slightly strange behaviour due to Tamaki putting up his usual cold mask.

Tamaki sat silently on the bus waiting for them to reach their final destination. A fond smile came to his features as he spotted the familiar cliff. Thankfully, none of the others spotted the look as Aiawa pulled over.

The class got out, only beaten by a rushing Mineta, while asking what on Earth was happening. Tamaki went over to the railing while watching with a smirk. This was going to be fun.

Aizawa greeted two of the pussy cats, Pixie Bob was the one Tamaki was watching, not wanting to let her catch him off guard.

Wait for it. Wait for it. Wait for it. Now. Tamkai jumped up and over the edge of the cliff, Pixie Bob quickly released he had worked it out and sent the rest of the class over before the group drove away.

Tamaki landed on one of the trees while watching over the class, he couldn't stop the smile from coming to his face, even if they weren't trained, this trip had always been fun. Tamaki noticed Uraraka watching him as he quickly dropped the smile and climbed down from the tree.

"Come on, Pixie will have this place swarming in a few minutes," Tamaki said coldly before turning away and punching the first rock formation. The class was up quickly as they attempted to fight off the creatures coming at them.

Tamaki found the creature easy to defeat, a bit taxing to do it over and over but he found the familiar task enjoyable.

Tamaki helped out the class almost falling into his old habits, by the time they got to the other side, all the class was exhausted apart from him. He on the other hand, wore a small smile which after spotting Uraraka pointing it out to the others, it disappeared.

Much to the disappointment of the class, they had to cook their own meals. Tamaki didn't mind making the food, still better than the stuff he used to eat. He found the making of the food funny as many people learnt to cook for the very first time.

By the tie they were done, they ate quickly, more than just hungry.

After lunch, they set off to go into the baths, happy to finally relax. Tamaki was the only one who didn't go in, preferring just to sit and read by the side. It was only when Mineta started to climb up the wall did he do anything, lassoing a rope around Mineta's chest and holding him in place, halfway up the wall.

"Let me go!" Mineta screamed as Tamaki sat down and continued reading.

"When you learn to behave."

"Are you coming in, Tamaki?" Kirihsima asked seemingly not getting why Tamaki wouldn't want to come.

"I am fine, Kirishima," Tamaki said coldly.

"Oh, come on," Kaminari said while throwing some of the water at Tamaki, "the water doesn't bite."

Much to everyone's surprise, Tamaki practically jumped up a quarter of the wall while hissing at Kaminari.

Mineta took the opportunity to remove the rope and climb up the rest of the wall, only being stopped by Kota who pushed him back down.

Tamaki let out a sigh before smiling at the scene. Noticing Kota falling, Tamaki quickly caught him before landing again and taking him out the room.

It felt weird holding the kid, who he had looked after multiple times, when said kid couldn't remember a thing about him.

Tamaki sighed, before leaving Kota with Manadlay, simply stating that things would get better. I felt bad for not actually talking to her like last time but I didn't think I could manage it.

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