Death's Door

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Gravily, All For One held his fingers against Tamaki's neck. The boy was cold, freezing to the touch, his chest did not raise or fall and his heart did not beat at all. All For One knew of the chances that it was a trick and so he waited, Seconds turned in minutes and minutes turned in hours. Not a single sign that Tamaki was alive, not a twitch of skin or movement at all.

Finally, after 3 hours with his hand against the teen's neck, All For One brought back his hand and covered Tamaki with a thin white sheet.

He ordered the scientist to go as he looked over the body. It was a weird feeling for All For One. He had hated Red the most when he had come, but no he had no idea what to think or feel. He always did care about the three, for different reasons at different parts of their lives together.

Blue had always been his favourite, for she was submissive to him and followed his command to the letter, but after she spent an annoyingly long time with heroes that had all gone.

Red had been harder to gain control over. He was headstrong and even though he learnt to fear All For One, Red still kept his opinions and unlike his sister he wasn't weak. He had learnt to praise that one and he was the most likely to become All For one's successor.

Then there was Green. All For One did not know how he felt about Green, he had despised the teen who had escaped his eyes, hidden by that stupid women, but his power was greater than the rest. Green never once submitted to All For One and that drove him crazy.

Once, after the heroes had publicly ridiculed Green and his siblings about being villain children, Green had come to him. Green had said that if the heroes weren't going to let them be anything but villains, why try to be anything different. It all had been an elaborate plan to get information but All For One had felt proud of Green for the short plan Green kept up the charade. He did play a good villain.

All For One couldn't help but feel something about Green, a love to hate as many called it, a similar feeling he had for All Might. Useless, insignificant, burdens, but they were fun to play with. Fun to watch them squirm.

All For One sighed before turning around and leaving the room, guess he will just have to find another way to get to Green.

Tomura came up to the building, steeling his nerves. He would help get Tamaki out, he may not understand what is going on but that brat does. "Master, my plans have failed."

All For One seemed startled as he spun around to look at his successor. "And for that reason you came to me? You should not be here, you should be with your league planning your next move."


All For One raised his eyebrow. He stood up and walked, very slowly, towards Tomoura. "What do you mean no?"

"I mean no. I want to know who Tamaki is and why you took him. I want to know how you've known the outcome of every move I make and why, if you tell me everything and I'm meant to be in control, you take it upon yourself to fix it?"

All For One felt his eye twitch. How dare he? How dare he undermine the power All For One had? How dare he question it? "It does not matter. From now on, I do not need to interfere."

"That is not an answer. What do you mean you don't have to interfere?" Tomura was shouting by the end, angry that he wasn't getting told anything.

"Do not raise your voice at me! Tamaki has been disposed of, now he cannot interfere with your work. He is the one who was causing you to fail."

Tomoura froze. Tamaki was dead. That couldn't be. Tamaki was the only hope he had of getting any information. "What do you mean... You can't have killed him."

"Why not, he is dangerous and in your way. I share your want to have that filth alive," All For One growled.

"But, he could have been useful!" Tomoura was beyond angry now. He knew he was missing something. "He called your 'father'! He was your son, was he not?"

"And if he was? What difference does that make? He was a hero in the end. He is not my son," All For One glared at the door that led to Tamaki. He wasn't angry with Tamaki at the moment, more angry with Tomura, for asking too many questions and was projecting that anger onto Tamaki. Little difference did it make.

"He is still you're blood! He still had your quirk! How could you justify killing him!"

All Might froze. All the heroes did. Someone had died, and they had a horrible feeling in their stomachs they knew who.

Aizawa walked forward numbly. No, it couldn't be.

"I do not see why any of this is your concern! Tamaki is dead, that is all you must know. And if I hear another thing about it I will start to doubt your loyalty!"

"No..." Aizawa kept walking forward. He was just stopped from getting to the door by All Might, who grabbed Aizawa's arm.

"Keep to the plan," All Might whispered, snapping Aizawa back to reality.

All Might took a deep breath before launching at the wall, breaking through easily. All For One, stumbled back, completely in shock.

Tomura smirked, grabbing the keys and heading off for Tamaki's room. Edgeshot paralysed everyone in the room as the room came full of heroes. Aizawa didn't wait to follow Toumura into the other room.

All For One growled as he quickly forced Edgeshot back and stood up. He prepared his quirk, ready to attack.

"Not again."

All For One let out a blood curdling scream as his quirks was ripped from him. Tamaki held out his hand as All For One collapsed.

Aizawa quickly ran forward to catch Tamaki, who was quickly losing consciousness. "I did something, Aizawa. I actually did something."

Aizawa didn't say anything as he held Tamaki close.

"Look over my family, I think I might be sleeping for a while... Night, night, Shota..."

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