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"So what's wrong Todoroki?" Tamaki asked as they stood of an obandonded tunnel.

"You stole my quirk, didn't you?" Tofotku glared at his classmate who shrugged casually.

"Yeah. I gave it back to you though." Tamaki leaned back against the wall as he watched Todoroki carefully.

"How?" Todoroki asked simply while evaluating the other who let out a bitter laugh.

"It's my quirk. Ironic huh? A hero with a stealing quirk." Tamaki sighed as he put on a small smile. "I wanted you to understand. We live completely opposite lives but we are the same. You don't use your quirk because it reminds you of your dad. I don't use my quirk because it reminds my dad I'm here. I told you that you reminded me of someone. He changed to use his quirk I hope you do the same." Tamaki walked away leaving Todoroki to think. "Oh and a message from someone you once knew, 'it's your quirk Todoroki. Not his.'"

Once again Todoroki was left confused as Tamaki left preparing to fight his first opponent.

It was Shinso's and Tamaki's battle first.

"Up for the first match is class 1A's unpredictable ball of chaos Tenko Tamaki against I'm sorry this guy hasn't really done anything yet. Hitoshi Shinso!" Present Mic screamed as Tamaki and Shinso entered the arena. "Start."

"For an villian you've got pretty far. I never thought someone with such an evil quirk could possibly become anything more than that." Shinso spat venomously but hated himself as he said it.

"I could say the same about you." Tamaki shouted back as he took a defensive pose. "Let's forget about our villainous quirks for a while and fight hand to hand." He suggested as he rolled up his sleeves.

Shinso looked surprised as he smiled and prepared for a fight.

"Oh Tamaki and Shinso are fighting hand to hand! Tamaki looks like he's got this but Shinso is holding his own!" Present Mic screamed as Tamaki sent a punch to Shinso who ducked under and punched Tamaki's gut.

Grabbing Shinso's hair Tamaki pulled him up before punching his neck and throwing him away.

At this point both had busted lips and bruising all across their bodies. Tamaki had a broken nose and what will become a black eye, beside a series of cuts and grazes traveling up his arms. Shinso had two black eyes forming and multiple cuts across him. He had a broken rib which was throbbing painfully.

Getting up Shinso dodged another punch and grabbed Tamaki's arm twisting it as he put pressure on the joints preparing to break it.

Tamaki growled before stamping on Shinso's foot causing the boy to recoil and 'by accident' snap Tamaki arm.

Tamaki was able to jump away as he left his arm fall limply by his side.

With a last growl Tamaki rugby tackled Shinso and throwing him over the line barely staying in himself.

"Ha, that was fun! Been a while since I've had a proper fight without my quirk! Good job Hitoshi Shinso!" Tamaki offered his arm (the one that wasn't broken) and pulled Shinso onto his feet. "Use your quirk." Tamaki whispered as Shinso smiled.

"You sure? Neither of us used our quirks." He asked as Tamaki rolled his eyes.

"Quirk do not..." He started but fell quiet.

"Turn around." Shinso ordered as Tamaki did it. Shinso let Tamaki take back control who fake glared at the purple haired boy. "I'm pretty sure my quirk matters." Shinso stated as the crowds watched in shock.

"Fair enough. Shame you couldn't show off properly. A brain washing quirk could make you a great hero. I wait for you in the hero course." Tamaki announced as he left. "Oh don't forget to fix your rib."

~Time skip~
~Shinso POV~

I walked away. I had been talking to my class but my rib is throbbing so I went to Recovery girl.

"You have become even more reckless than before! He already knows you're here, do you want to shout to the world that you are a villian?!" A loud voice shouted as I peered to look at a boy with red hair screaming at Tamaki. A girl with long sky blue hair stood beside them. "We only just got away. He is still angry at the USJ doing this is only going to make it worse! pull out of the competition!" The boy growled as Tamaki backed away.

"I can't. I need to do this! Please Red! I bet of you, let me continue." Tamaki begged, pleading desperately with the others.

"No! We need to go!" 'Red' screamed as he grabbed Tamaki's arm.

"No! I need to stay!" Tamaki screamed back as he violently pulled back his hand causing 'Red' to full over.

What on Earth is going on!

"We are leaving and that is final!" 'Red' screamed as Tamaki shouted over him.

"We came to stop him! If we run away then why are we here!" Tamaki screamed back.

"Enough!" The girl pushed herself off the wall which I hadn't noticed she was leaning on. "Green is right. We came here to help. We are going to help." She said as Tamaki let out a sigh.

"But you are hurt and he is angry-" 'Red' started but the girl stopped him.

"He is always angry and I'll heal." She said before giving a smile to Tamaki. "Others might not. We stay." She finished. 'Red' looked like he wanted to say something but didn't.

"Thank you. Go I'll find you after this is over." Tamaki finished as 'Red' led the girl away.

"You can come out now." Tamaki stated as I slowly stepped out.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop." I stated as I slowly stepped out.

"I guess we have a long conversation a head of us." Tamaki stated as he hand to my face.

My vision started to blacken as I shrugged to stay awake. Black dots danced in my vision as my speech slurred. "What... what are you... you doing." 

"Don't worry we will explain when you wake."

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