Home from Home

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"Hello! It's been so long since I've seen another non messed up human, how do you do?" Blue jumped up and went to greet the students. "I'm Yoshiya Kao, but please call me Blue. This is my brothers, Ueki Tamaki or Red and Izuku Midoriya or Green." Blue pointed to each of her brothers with a smile.

"Your real name is Izuku Midoriya?" Present mic pulled back the fork that had Green's food on it.

"Did I not tell you? I told Hitoshi," Green answered before sitting back and swinging his legs.

"If you are all siblings, then shouldn't you have the same last name," Iida asked while swiping his hands in a series of choppy movements.

"Well, we are all half siblings, on our father's side," Blue explained. "We lived separate lives until Red turned thirteen and Green turned fifteen. Then we all got tortured together and spent a lot of time fighting villains."

"Then the whole apocalypse thing happened," Red said while putting a plate in front of Aizawa.

"We got kidnapped again," Green added.

"And the time line thingy happened," Blue sang.

"Then living in foster care." Red finished plating up the dishes and sat down.

"And then, we ran away and lived on the streets!" Blue finished happily, bouncing slightly.

"Wait, where we going with this, we had a point. Oh right! Basically our dad is a dick."

"What are you all doing here?" Mina ran up to the group, deciding to ignore the information we gave them.

"Like she said, we lived in foster care, we don't exactly have anywhere else to go," Green explained before poking Present mic. "I still would like to eat."

Present Mic snapped out of his shock and continued feeding Green who smiled.

"Why are you feeding him?" Uraraka sat down by the rest, putting her boxes down beside her.

"They think I'm still weak," Green said simply.

"What did happen to you? They never told us how you got back," Tsu said while putting her own boxes down.

"Before you start that," Aizawa interjected, stopping Green from answering. "Go put your boxes away and set up your room."

The class didn't seem too happy to be stopped from talking to the friend they all thought was dead but left nonetheless.

"I didn't mind talking to them, Shota," Green whined quietly.

"Yes, that is why they need to set up the rooms first."

"Alright, you're finished!" Present Mic put down the fork and listened to Green up who laughed. He placed Green on the sofa and went to eat his own breakfast.

Blue put her and Green's dishes in the sink before collapsing beside her brother. She happily talked to him until the students returned. Red had turned on the TV and started playing different video games which the others joined him in. Ojiro joined Blue's conversation about fighting techniques alongside Kirishima. By the time everyone came down, the class had become pretty comfortable with the two newest siblings.

"So, Tamaki, are you going to tell us how you got out now?" Uraraka leaned back from her spot on the floor to look up at Green.

"Oh, right. But call me Izuku. Or Green. Tamaki is still a little weird as it's not my name. Anyway, what happened was Tomoura let Bakugo go and he came here for help, or more to do it instead of him. I pretended to be dead so AFO would throw me out but the heroes showed up before then. They broke in but AFO was going to attack them. Tomoura, who had been arguing with AFO, stole the key and helped me escape. I then stole all the Quirks AFO stole. But I overused my Quirk and that, mixed with the experiments AFO was doing on me beforehand, put me in a coma until last night," Green explained while smiling.

"Who is AFO?" Kaminari tilted his head in confusion while asking the question.

"It stands All For One, it's a villain who can steal Quirks and sadly our father," Blue explained with a huff of annoyance.

"Wait! Your dad is a villain?" Kirishima jumped up in surprise.

"Yeah, but we ain't anything like him! So if you have a problem I suggest you leave now!" Red stood up, instantly defensive.

"Calm down, Red," Green said as Blue jumped up and dragged Red back onto the sofa.

"Can I ask what your Quirk is? You said you stole All For One's Quirks so, can you steal Quirks?" Iida chopped his arms up and down while looking at the siblings.

"Yes, we all can steal Quirks. Blue can just steal Quirks and keep them for herself, but as she steals more Quirks, the harder it is to control and the harder it is to take the new Quirk. She also forfeits a small part of her sanity with every Quirk she steals, but it is a smaller part than AFO so she is better than him in that aspect," Green started while pointing at his sister. "Red can both steal Quirks and give them. His is practically a perfect copy of AFO but he gets less drawbacks. Like Blue, he gives up less sanitary than AFO. He can also take more Quirks without straining."

"Yeah, then this one can steal and give Quirks super easily," Blue sang.

"He practically doesn't give up any metal state and can hold over a hundred Quirks without any problems at all," Red teased.

"Plus, he can make and destroy Quirks."

"What?! You can make Quirks?! Damn, no wonder you are so powerful," Kirishima said, causing Green to burst out laughing.

"That's what you said last time," Green explained but only made them more confused.

"Last time," Todoroki asked, titling his head like a confused cat.

"Yeah, we had to reset the time line. We've already lived through all this but I think things are going to change now," Green said with a happy smile.

"What makes you say that?" AIzawa came in and sat next to Green. His appearance startled the class but Green only smiled and leaned into his side.

"Well, AFO is gone now. Tomoura has been captured and Overall has been stopped. We are three years forward than last time. We can sleep."

The class seemed to relax. Mina suggested they looked around the rooms which started a competition against each other.

Green stood in front of the door, holding the box in his hands. Slowly, he lifted his hand up and knocked on the door. He couldn't do this. He put the box on the floor and left.

Yaoyorozu walked out of her room, seeing the box and picked it up cautiously.

Dear Yao-momo,

A good friend of mine told me to find someone who loves their partner as much as she loved hers. I think I found this in you. One day, give this to Jiro. When the world accepts you, remove the ring and show it off. I hope you get to do that.

She would have wanted you to have it.

Opening the box, Yaoyorozu could see a purple velvet cushioning supporting a rope bracelet that was a mix of purple and black, a silver bracelet in the middle with a black and purple swirled crystal resting on top. This was just like the one Green had.

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