Sports festival

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Tamaki was sitting in the preparation room with Eri who was talking to Ururaka.

"Tamaki." Todoroki called caused the class to look at him. "Speaking simply I'm better than you."

Tamaki's eyes widened before a sad smile plagued his lips.

Kirishima was defending Tamaki as the black hair boy carefully got up.

"Do not make a mistake, Todoroki. You may have been better than me but I will win today." Tamaki turned to leave missing the confused look on the duel hair boy's face. "Tell you the truth. You remind me of someone. Someone important to me... but I won't let my attachment a get in the way... not again."

Eri gave her brother a sympathetic look he led her out and towards the announcement room for Aizawa to look after her.

"Tenko... are you okay?" Eri asked as the boy sighed.

"Yeah. E do you want to do a job for me?" Tamaki asked as he keeled down to her size.

"Sure!" She cheered as Tamaki brought out two pieces of jewlry.

"I want you to look after these till the festival is over." He explained as Eri looked in awe at the old, slightly faded jewlry.

"But you are always wearing these!" She exclaimed as Tamaki laughed.

"Yes cause they mean a lot to me, but; I don't want to damage them so can you look after them for me?" He asked as Eri nodded.

"I'll take the best care of them!" She shouted as Tamaki took his rope necklace and attached it around E's neck. The red moon and blue star landed on her shirt as she smiled.

Tamaki took her hand as he tied on the bracelet. Once again the jewlry was made from rope which was dyed white and red. The colours were weaving together and on the centre was a gold ring with a red jewl and white jewl on the top in a heart shape, each jewl making half the heart.

"Tamaki you should head back. I will look after Eri." Aizawa said as he took Eri's hand.

"Okay. Bye E. Look after those for me." Tamaki cheered as he went back.

"Come on we have to go." Aizawa told Eri as he took her to the announcement room.

"Yo, Eraser Head, you're late!" Present Mic screamed as Aizawa sat down, Eek sitting in the chair next to him. "Hey! That's my chair!"

Eventually the Sports festival started after Present Mic got a chair.

Midnight took the roll of announcer as the festival started; she explained the event after the disastrous speach which was Bakugo's athletes oath and prepared the students to move.

Tamaki stood at the back of the group as everyone prepared to move.


Instantly the year ran forward struggling to get through the cramped tunnel.

Todoroki managed to find away through as he froze the ground invading the students in.

Noticing the cold temperature many students dodged the attack and kept running when a zero pointer stood up.

Practically growling Todoroki froze the robot and continued to run.

A series of students ran after him but was stopped by the robot falling crushing Kirishima and a sliver hair boy.

Slowly everyone got past the robots as they fought to keep moving. Some followed Bakugo over the robots, others fought the robots hand on.

It didn't take to long for everyone to arrive at the next obstacle.

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