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Bakugou ran into the streets, he was unsure of why the villains let him go without giving him any information on how to get this other student. They must just be idiots, the whole lot useless and vile.

Bakugou stopped when he felt his phone vibrate. There wasn't a message, only a location. That must be where the other student was. Growling, Bakugou made his way onto the train, he may have said he would get the student out, never said he would be the one to do it and he wasn't stupid enough to go in alone, let enough at all.

U.A came up quickly, lights still on in the vast building. Bakugou didn't hesitate to make his way up to Nezu's office, slamming it open.

Inside the room, Nezu was sitting at his desk, Aizawa and All Might (in his small form) in front, giving their reports.

All Might was the first to turn around. He ran forward and began checking over Bakugou for any injuries he might have injuries."Young Bakugou! How did you get out?!"

Bakugou pushed All Might back while screaming at the top of his lungs, "don't fucking touch me!"

"Both of you shut up!" Aizawa wrapped his capture gear around Bakugou, pulling his forward so that he could growl in his face. "Bakugou, where is Tamaki!"

"Let me go! I don't know what you're talking about!" Bakugou forced the capture gear off himself while snarling at the teachers.

"Now, now, everyone calm down. Bakugou, you were taken by the League of Villains, am I correct?" Nezu held out his hands in a calming manner while speaking carefully.


Nezu smiled at the simple answer, moving onto the next question before Aizawa could try interrogating Bakugou again. "Tamaki was also taken, did you see him?"

Bakugou frowned, "so he was the other student."

"What do you mean?" All Might stepped forward, once again spotting Aizawa from his interrogation of Bakugou.

"Hand guy said something about another student having been taken," Bakugou explained in a growl.

All Might and Nezu wanted to ask something but Aizawa beat them to it. "Did they say how he was doing? Is he alright?"

"I don't fucking know! All he said was that the other student was being held by his master and that he wanted us to go get him!"

"They gave you his location?" Nezu, once again, took control of the situation. Bakugou pulled out his phone, giving it to Nezu who looked over it. "It is an old warehouse district."

"It must be a trap," All Might said quickly.

"I don't care. I am going to get him," Aizawa growled, turning around to leave.

"Do not be so foolish, we will use this to get him back, but we must plan," Nezu said before Aizawa could leave.

"Well, don't drag me into this! I told that hand guy I would get the student free, I never said I would do it! So leave me alone!" Bakugou turned around to leave, only being stopped by All Might who told him to go and wait for Recovery Girl.

"Do you think we should try it? It's most likely a trap," All Might said once Bakugou was out of hearing range.

"It is definitely a trap," Nezu corrected.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that."

The three spun around to see Shinso next to a girl with blue hair and a boy with red.

All Might and Aizawa couldn't help but gasp while staring at the boy, he looked like the man from their shared vision- as they called it.

"Shinso? What is going on?" Aizawa looked over the three in confusion.

"Okay, so don't freak out but we think the villain that took Tamaki is planning on torturing him to try and get a piece of information that does not exist. This is Blue and Red, who are Tamaki's half siblings and they told me that Tamaki has been convincing the hand guy to abandon his master," Shinso explained slowly, not wanting anyone to get confused.

"That's who his brother is, isn't it? Tamaki said that he wanted to help someone so they went back to being his brother, that's Handy man, isn't it?" Aizawa refused to look at the other heroes in the room, knowing that they wouldn't understand if Aizawa told them about what had happened during the training camp. All Might was too good and Nezu was too logical.

"Yes, Tamaki's, and our, adoptive brother is Tomura, though he got along with Tamaki the most. Back when I knew him, we grew up side by side and Tomura was jealous of me. When Red joined us Tomura didn't like him at all. But Tamaki and he got along really well," Blue explained with a smile.

Nezu frowned, something wasn't right about this. "Why do you call him Tamaki if you are siblings?"

"Because we want to! This is not important!" Red stepped forwards, standing protectively in front of Blue and Shinso who sheared a look.

"What information do they want?" Nezu asked, changing the subject.

"They want to know where Green is. He is the most powerful of us and if All For One can use that power it would be catastrophic," Blue said while moving a strand of hair out of her eyes.

Aizawa's face became unreadable. "What is Green's quirk?"

"He can take and give quirks like All For One, but he can also create and destroy them," Blue explained nervously, sifting from one foot to another.

"A quirk like that shouldn't be possible," All Might muttered to himself.

"Regardless, Tamaki can never answer that question. Therefore All For One shall just keep torturing him with no plans on stopping." Red was losing his patients.

"So, what do we do?" All Might quickly regretted asking that question.

"What do you mean?! We are going to get Tamaki back before he loses his mind even more than he already has!" Aizawa's capture gear was flying around his head wildly.

"Us lot, are going to get my brother! Just try and do nothing! I dare you," Red growled lowly.

"Boys! Stop this now!" Blue stood between All Might and Aizawa, holding her hands on her hips disapprovingly. "Fighting amongst ourselves ain't going to help us. Now, how are we planning to handle this?"

Tamaki bit his lip, blood flowing from it. He refused to scream. Another needle was put in his arm bringing new pain. It felt like acid was running through his veins, melting him from inside out. His eyes stung like a thousand needles had been stabbed in, his skin felt like it had boiling wax being poured over it, again and again, his throat felt as if it had been ripped raw by a pack of angry wolves.

All For One was getting impatient. He had been doing this for too long. Tamaki had yet to say anything outside insults and bitter jokes. He would break him, he had done it before, he had broken all of them, he could break them again.

He had yet to find Inko again. He had hoped that Green was living with the annoying women but Green had moved her the second he could and now she was lost.

Once he got the location from Red, it would be easy to get Green back. This time, he will not risk it. Once he has got him, he will take Green's quirk, give it to someone worthy. Green is not worthy of what he has.

"Soon, your quirk will be in someone truly worthy."

All For one held the old photo of Red, Green and Blue, it was the day Green got his hero licence, Blue had given it to him when he came to visit a month before he got out.

"Very soon."

"Master." All For One was not happy at being interrupted. "The boy... I think he is dead."

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