Just sleeping

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Sporadically, their thoughts ran. This didn't make sense.

Blue ran to her brother's side, using one of her quirks to heal the injuries Tamaki had. "I've stabilized him but I can't do too much as his own Quirks will want to work uninterrupted. Any more intervention and it won't react well."

Red was looking down on All For One, a sneer displayed on his face. He slowly turned around, scowling as he went. "Tie him up, he might survive and he's not destroying our lives again."

All Might nodded, understanding Red's hesitance to leave the body there, if he did come back, they would not get another chance.

Aizawa held Tamaki in his arms as he stood up. "We should get him to U.A." He didn't look at anyone before leaving. Present Mic quickly caught up while trying to distract Aizawa from the dying child in his arms. Was he dying? It was hard to tell, his pulse was faint and weak, his breathing was shallow. He could be dying, or he could just be sleeping.

By the time they got to U.A, Shinso had already been made aware that Tamaki was alive and was waiting with Eri at the door.

Aizawa refused to meet the eyes of his son or of Eri, both cared a lot about Tamaki and he was not going to be the one who brought the body back.

When Aizawa didn't look at Eri, she started to panic. Shinso quickly gathered up the younger and held her back. Present Mic brought Eri into a hug and let her sob into his chest. Shinso himself was starting to panic, there was no way he would be dead, not now. Ever since Tamaki had 'kidnapped' him, the two were very close and while Shinso didn't know everything Tamaki went through he did have an idea, he couldn't have died now, it was too early.

Aizawa went upstairs, putting Tamaki into his bed. If Tamaki was going to die then it's best he dies comfortably.

Eri wasn't allowed in that room until he was either awake or confirmed dead. Neither hero wanted to explain to her what happened when someone dies but they both had horrifying ideas she already knew. It wouldn't surprise them from her childhood.

Shinso didn't look at his parents, instead he watched Red and Blue. Blue didn't seem to think Tamaki was going to die and Red was completely denying it.

After Present Mic had calmed down Eri he collapsed on the couch and put on the TV. He put on a light hearted film, avoiding heroes and villains and any siblings whatsoever. It was quite interesting to watch Aizawa find a film that wouldn't upset someone accidentally.

Within the first 10 minutes, Eri was out, sleeping peacefully against Present Mic's chest. Aizawa laid his head on his husband's shoulder, drifting off shortly after Eri. Shinso lasted the longest, secretly finding that the film rather pleasant to watch. Blue fell asleep on him, Red falling asleep a little after. Aizawa also seemed to find the movie quite enjoyable but ended up falling asleep away.

When the next day rolled around, both Present Mic and Aizawa agreed that leaving Eri in the house with her coma brother was not a good idea. They took her into class. Shinso refused to let Blue and Red wait and so Present Mic said he would take them to his class.

Naturally, Present mic dragged Red and Blue through the door and walked away by second period, leaving them with Aizawa. "Mic! You brought them here! You need to look after them!"

Blue quickly jumped up and hid behind Red. Red was more annoyed than shocked, he remembered the time Present Mic tried to look after Tamaki's class during their third year. It ended in a burning building that was flooded and collapsed. To this day he had no idea how Present Mic did that in an hour. No one used the Quirks for goodness sake.

Aizawa was not impressed but also not surprised. "Sit down, or introduce yourself, I not teaching for another five minutes and that's- five minutes of sleep I could do wit." Aizawa starred in slight shock when Blue and Red finished his sentence in annoyance. He rolled his eyes and pulled the sleeping bag around him.

"Blue! Red!" Eri ran into Blue's arms who lifted her up and swung her around.

"Morning Eri. We are coming here for the rest of the day," Blue said sweetly before turning to the class, smiling brightly. "I am Blue, this is my brother Red. Don't be afraid, we don't bite."

"Much," Red added while smirking.

"Hi, I am Uraraka! If you don't mind me asking, but why are you here?"

"Oh, that's an easy one! Shinso didn't want us to be left alone in the house with our dying or dead brother," Blue sang swaying slightly. She let out a happy giggle when she noticed the faces the class was giving her.

"Shinso? Like General Ed Shinso?" Kaminari put up his hand to grab their attention.

"Yes... I think." Blue put her hand on her chin. "I see him more as super annoying Shinso who you never go to after an anything marathon because he'll put you to sleep."

"What a unique way to use his Quirk," Tsu said to herself.

"And a useful way, he can put traumatised kids to sleep until they can be taken to somewhere more suitable," Yaoyorozu commented, thinking deeply about how they could use his Quirk.

"So, what's your quirks?" It was Mina who jumped up and asked the question this time.

"Well, I don't think they're registered right now but, his All For One and mine is a weaker version of it," Blue whispered shyly.

The room became deadly silent. Everyone knew that the villain All For One had been captured last night, it was the only new people were talking about this morning. Tomura had also been caught but somehow All For One had out shined that fact.

These two had the same Quirk as him. These two were villain children.

"Ah, it's almost like the first time around, just this time we're not being given comfort food," Red teased but found the back of his head being hit by Blue.

"That was different, besides, we're not staying this time."

"Where are you planning on going?" Blue smiled at Kaminari, who had asked the question.

"Don't know, I liked beating people up, but not in a hero or villain sense, more traditional fighting styles from before Quirks arrived." Blue tapped her chin in deep thought. "He liked criticizing our clothes."

"That's because you have terrible dress sense!"

"We were in a desert! Being up to the latest fashion was not the top of my priority list!"

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