A New Stein on our lives

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Tamaki sat on his temporary bed, feeling annoyingly nasaligic. Soon, he would be leaving to go to another city, he wasn't really paying attention to which one, not that it mattered. Mirio had learnt a lot over the week, but Tamaki hadn't. Mirio was getting along well with the hero, Tamaki wasn't. Mirio was enjoying his time, Tamaki definitely wasn't.

Tamaki spent most of his time hiding upstairs working on his support gear. He did the activities Grand Torino wanted him too but did nothing past that. But no matter how much he tried to ignore the ero, both Mirio and Grand Torino noticed how he was looking after Grand Torino. He would bring sweet treats with proper vitamins hidden inside for them to eat and would snap at them when they didn't finish the food, saying that his sister made that especially for them and they would have to eat all of it.

It was a weird reteen.

Mirio was ready to leave as he waited for the others. Grand Torino was quickly behind him and a few minutes later Tamaki returned.

"You took your time," Grand Torino grumbled under his breath causing Tamaki to roll his eyes.

The time was spent in silence, Tamaki ignored any attempts to talk with him while going through his phone. He sighed before putting away the device, causing Grand Torino and Mirio to look at him as he grabbed the railing.

"And so it starts," Tamaki grumbled just before the side of the train burst open.

He didn't hesitate before kicking the Nomu in the first and landing, not bothered by the sudden stopping of the train.

He pulled out a viser from his back pocket before clipping it into place and jumping out the train, ignoring the screams for him to stop.

He made his way swiftly across the landscape, using the rooftops to get a higher eye view over the chaos. It didn't take long for him to stop the other Nomus and the alley.

"What a pain," Tamaki mumbled to himself before running past the alleyway and at the Nomus. "He has to learn first before I can help him."

Tamaki hopped out the way of an attack before hitting the closest omu sending it into the building. He jumped to the side of a citizen before helping her out of the way and doing the same with the next one.

It didn't take long for other heroes to show up and start scolding him but he ignored them.

A sudden alarm made Tamaki stop and land near Grand Torino, who had finally tracked him down. "i need to go help someone, good luck."

Before any of the heroes could stop him, he was gone.

He let out a sigh before kicking the familiar face.

"You know, I shouldn't be surprised but this is really annoying." Tamaki grumbled while looking at Stein. "Guess I have to do this again then. What a pain. You now, you haunted me for a long while back in the day. It's really strange to see you in front of me again. I wonder if you are the same as you were back then."

Stein ran at the teenager who found it all too easy to dodge. He easily avoided the knives and kept away from attacking Stein.

"You know, I'm a little sorry for what I'm about to do." Before Stein could even comprehend what was said, Tamkai threw him into a wall, knocking him out. "But, I can't have that video circulating again."

Tamaki turned to face his classmate who was paralysed on the floor. "What are you doing? He was mine."

"He would have killed you if I didn't step in. Do you understand what he meant?" Iida looked surprised at the question causing Tamaki to sigh. "All that stuff he said about your brother and heroes like Native, did you understand it?"

When Iida didn't respond, Tamaki took that as a no to his question.

Tamaki let off a sigh of annoyance, "fake heroes such as Native, care more about the fame, glory and money that people get from being a hero than saving lives. Any fake hero is in it for the reward, not for saving lives, that's the difference. People like Aizawa are in it to save lives, All Might but the problem is that most of the true heroes no one knows about. if you spend your life saying cities and the world, you forget that not every win is about stopping villains. That's what they taught me, that's how you become a true hero. You forget about the reward, you forget about the fame and the money and you only see people. Not a city needing people, who are trying their best, some will want to be heroes, some will become villains, others you will never know the name of, some you won't be able to forget the name of, it doesn't matter who they are or their quirks, they are people and they are having their own wins every day but people like Native don't care about that as long as they love him."

There was a long silence that followed Tamaki's speech before he burst out laughing. "Sorry there iida, got a bit depressing, didn't I?" He jumped up before offering out his hand to Iida who was finally able to move. "So, Iida, what kind of hero do you want to be?"

Iida looked between Native and Stein and finally Tamaki, "I understand." Iida took the hand as Tamaki pulled him up and onto his feet.


Tamaki turned around and walked up to Stein, pulling out a rope. He easily tied up Stein with Iida's help before turning to help Native.

"I'm too tired for this." Tamaki slouch over while glaring at the two people they are going to have to carry out.

"Then why do you put up with it?"

Before Iida could look at the villain, he was pulled behind Tamaki who growled lowly. "What are you doing here? Not clearing up your failures mess? What ever happened to keep to the underground?"

"I wouldn't test me, Red, afterall, you're the one trying to become a hero." The villain walked forward slowly looking over the scene. "You're getting better, but I must say, I didn't think this was your style, Taking after your useless brother I see." The villain sneered, causing Tamaki's eye to twitch. "But, I think you might find, this was all for not."

Before they could do anything, a Nomu with wings grabbed Tamaki and lifted him into the sky. The villain disappeared into the shadows and the heroes couldn't reach him in time.

Tamaki sighed as he fell and crashed into the ground, Stein standing over him, a knife in the Nomu's brain.

He had failed. It was recorded.

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