Miss Light

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Tamaki sighed while sitting up, he had failed and it was hitting low. To make matters worse, Grand Torino was scolding him for rescuing the two heroes. He didn't say anything, just took the hits. He knew where this was going and he was more than willing to let them burn out first.

"Because you have no licence we are coming up with a cover story. You're more than welcome to try and take the glory but you'll go to jail if you do." The police man finished.

Iida had already come to turns that would happen and was more than glad to let them find someone else.

"No way!" Tamaki announced while standing up growling slightly. "I've already failed in one sense, I'm not letting that happen again!"

The policemen were startled by his reaction as Grand Torino tried to hit him round the head. "What are you talking about." Tamaki caught the staff while glaring at Grand Torino.

"I mean it. I'm not letting you give credit to him. Last time that happened it didn't end well, I don't care if you threw me in jail, not that you can because I haven't broken the law, but he is not the one who is getting the credit. If you want to give the credit away, find a true hero to take the place, not a fake like him." Tamaki growled while getting into a fighting stance, as if he was expecting the policemen to try and take him.

"What are you talking about Tamaki?" Mirio ran between the policemen and Tamkai while holding up his hands. "You're not making any sense. You've broken the law, just take the bail out."

Tamaki looked like he wanted to kill Mirio, right then and there. "I would expect someone like you to know the difference, Le Million." Tamaki's statement was full of venom and distaste almost like Mirio had just killed a puppy and boasted about it. "I didn't break the law."

"Tamaki, you used your quirk to fight, without a licence. That is breaking the law. Stopping fighting already," Aizawa growled causing Tamaki's eye to twitch.

"Did you ask me? Tamaki glared to his teacher before each of the policemen. "Did any of you ask?"

Before they could ask what he was talking about the door burst open. "Green Tenko Tamaki, how dare you disobey me?!" In the doorway a lady stood with long blond hair and piercing red eyes. She looked about mid-twenties and wore an office suit, with a simple black shirt going to her knees, a white blouse and black blazer. She also had a red tie but had ripped it off and held it in her hand.

Much to everyone's surprise, Tamaki actually looked afraid of the lady growling at him. "Miss Light, what are you doing here?"

The lady, Miss Light, hit Tamaki on the her in a Karti chop motion causing the boy to back down. "Do you have any idea how long I've been looking for you?! Then last week, your stupid siblings wake up and ran way too. Three month I've been looking than I found you doing stupid dangerous stuff on TV and everyone talking about you. And then, you're fucking on again! You could have been dead for all I know!" She took heavy breaths in an attempt to calm herself down. Tamaki tried to say something but got talked over once again, "Where is Blue and Red?"

"They're... safe." Tamaki chose his words carefully, clearly afraid of the lady who came storming in.

"Where?" it was clear that Miss Light was not taking anymore of Tamaki's nonescene.

"An abandoned building off Trice street, near U.A." Tamaki ducked down as Miss Light attempted to hit him again.

"Come on, we're getting them." Miss Light roughly took Tamaki's arm before dragging him behind her and made their way to the exit.

"Excuse me Miss but you can not leave here with him," The police officer said while pointing at Tamaki.

"What did you do?" Miss Light asked while gripping Tamaki's arm tighter and causing him to let out a pained whimper.

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