Chapter One

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Dedicated to masonfitzzy and the amazing Kidnapped By Cannibals series!

Dedicated to masonfitzzy and the amazing Kidnapped By Cannibals series!

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The beat of the music made it easier to forget what I was doing. One of the few reasons I worked here was because I enjoyed the music. I could let my mind drift with the best and none of the sleazy men around me mattered. I could exist outside myself while I worked a job I genuinely hated.

I took a shower once my shift was over, scrubbing away all the sweaty palms and body glitter with the smell of violets. I changed into my last set of clean clothes with a sigh, I would be spending tonight at the laundromat instead of getting some sleep. I pulled on my favorite white lace bra and panties then slipped into my dark wash jeans.

I heard the door open as I pulled my white tank top over my head. The others girls from graveyard shift were coming to change. I tugged on the dark grey hoodie that was two sizes too large for me and started stuffing my duffel bag full of my clothes. I never made friends at this place, I didn't want to. Friends only hurt me.

The other girls were chatting on their way to the showers and I ducked out of the locker room. Freddy, the bouncer, stopped me at the door and asked if he could give me a ride anywhere. He didn't like me walking the streets so late. I declined his offer and headed out into the chilly early morning air.

The laundromat wasn't far, just around the corner and none of the street lights were out. I wrapped my arms around myself and walked the minimal distance. The attendant looked up from his magazine and have me a toothless grin.

"Morning Mr. Wen," I waved and headed for the best row of machines. "How's the coffee today?"

"It's very good today. You staying today?"

I smiled, "For a few hours. I gotta have clean clothes."

"Oh yeah, everyone needs clean clothes. Here," he said and I turned to find him holding a cup of coffee and the television remote. "Just for you."

"Thank you," I smiled taking both from him. I bought detergent and turned on the machine before sitting in one of the plastic chairs to flip through the channels.

I must have fallen asleep, the sound of someone coming inside woke me up. I rubbed my eyes and yawned looking around. Mr. Wen sat behind the counter reading, the television continued playing the channel I left it on.

The only difference was the man that now filled the entryway. His jeans were dirty, his flannel shirt had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his boots had certainly seen better days, and he wore a faded baseball cap.

He walked to the counter and I noticed the bag over his shoulder. Mr. Wen have the man change for his bills and went back to reading. I turned my attention to the television so as not to be rude staring at him. Not many people came here at the hours I did.

I looked at the clock in the wall, it was nearly four in the morning. The man used three machines to unload the bag of filthy dirt and oil stained clothes. He returned to the counter and purchased detergent before running the machines and moving to sit down. He sat at the opposite end of my chair row and picked up one of the magazines.

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