Chapter Nineteen

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Everything hurt

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Everything hurt. Every cell in my body hurt. I never thought I could feel so much pain and pressure. Like someone had reached inside me and was crushing my muscles from within. I couldn't scream or move. I was trapped in agony.

The pain came in waves. Closer together and lasting longer each time. I was so tired. I just wanted to sleep, but the pain wouldn't allow that.

"Violet, can you hear me?" a voice cut through the cloud of pain.


"Violet, sweetie, I know it's hard, but you have to push for me. Push where you feel all the pressure, as hard as you can," Hannah instructed me as another wave rolled over me.

I heard myself screaming from the effort, a strangled sound coming from my dry throat. It was too much. I collapsed as the wave ebbed. I was so tired.

"Don't give up, Violet. Come on. Push. Push. Push."

I held onto her voice, it was the only tether I had beyond the pain. I wished Zack was there. I could only feel Hannah around me, not Zack. I wanted to give up, I was alone again.

"No, no, no, no, no," I heard Hannah repeating in a panic, but I felt darkness taking over me again. I welcomed it, loneliness didn't exist in the darkness.

"Violet!" Hannah screamed as my eyes shot open to a blurry, unfamiliar room.

I felt so heavy and tired. What was happening? Why was it taking so long for me to focus? Why did everything hurt? Nothing made sense and I let out a pitiful sound of dismay.

"Shh, shh, it's okay. Calm down and get your bearings," Hannah instructed softly and I blinked several times to clear my vision.

I was in a bed, a new bed, made of sturdy wood that matched the rest of the furniture in the room, including the crib. The baby! I looked down at myself in horror seeing my stomach deflated, blood soaking the sheets from my hips down.

"Violet," Hannah said softly drawing my attention to her and there I saw the wriggling blankets in each arm. "I know you're tired and confused, but I promise this will make everything better. These are your children, Violet. A boy and a girl."

She laid them in both my arms, propping me up with pillows to be safe. They were both round faced, pink, and absolutely perfect with Zack's hair and matching blue eyes. My heart melted as they both woke up and stared up at me. Hannah helped me start feeding them and placed a plastic straw in my mouth so I could sip some water while my hands were occupied holding little heads.

" Zack?" I asked after thinking hard about the words I wanted to say. It was as if my brain were slower.

"Gone to town, he should be back any minute, actually. I made sure he left in time to be back by dark. They're so beautiful."

I smiled looking down at the sleepy little faces as they suckled, gently moving my fingers over their soft hair. "As beautiful as Zack?" I asked curiously just as the windows lit up from headlights.

"If not more beautiful," Hannah commented as she peeked out the curtains. "Zack is here."

I smiled and looked toward the open hall door, anxiously awaiting him. I heard him slam the truck door and stomp on the mat inside the mud room. He walked through the house below careless and hopeless.

Finally, he appeared in the doorway. His hair was too long, left untouched without me. He stopped shaving at some point as well. He looked worn out and depressed. I felt my heart break at the sight of him so beaten. He froze in the doorway, breathing heavily as his eyes darted around the room as if he might be hallucinating.

Hannah cautiously approached him, "Zachary, breathe honey. Come sit down."

He was crying when he sat beside me on the bed. "Violet, is it really you?"

I smiled at him, nodding slowly, "And these, are our twins."

He finally noticed the babies and choked a little, "Twins?"

I beamed at him, "A boy and a girl that look like their father. I'll show you when they finish eating."

"Speaking of which, I should make you both supper. Burp them both and lay them in the crib once they're asleep. Violet, do not get out of that bed," Hannah said before leaving them alone in the room.

Zack moved my hair away from my face, "I thought I lost you."

I leaned my cheek into his palm, "You never lost me. I'm sorry I worried you."

"I'm just glad you're back," he said softly, more tears falling as he kissed me gently. "What are we going to name these two?"

I smiled, "You're really going to keep her?"

He nodded, "I was serious when I said it, Violet." He smiled, his eyes soft, "What do you want to name them?"

I looked down at the little faces, thinking carefully, "Zayne and Blythe."

He chuckled softly, tracing a finger over our son's cheek. "I like those. How about Timothy Zayne and  Riley Blythe Wilcox?"

I smiled letting him take our daughter who has finished eating. He had practice with his younger brothers so I copied him to burp our son. I watched him feeling my heart warm and swell at the sight of him with our tiny baby in his arms.

"I think those names are perfect for them. How long do you think we can hide her from your father?" I asked as he laid her down in the crib and moved to help me with Zayne.

"I'm not sure. It's pointless to hide any longer than necessary. I will make him understand my way of things. Don't worry about it now, Violet. We need to get you cleaned up and resting so your body recovers."

I nodded knowing he was right. Then I looked down at our stubborn son, "If he would just burp, I could lay him down."

Zack chuckled, "Wilcox boys... Hand him here, Mother has a special trick that worked on all of us."

I bit my lip handing him the baby. He sat down and propped the baby in his big hand, the other cupped and gently patting Zayne's back. After a few minutes, Zayne let out a burp and Zack smiled tucking him in with his sister.

He turned his attention to me, "Now, to take care of you."


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