Chapter Sixteen

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Zack watched Violet sleep, her cheeks flushed and her lips parted as she snored softly

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Zack watched Violet sleep, her cheeks flushed and her lips parted as she snored softly. She looked like an angel. Soft and beautiful. Her hand laid on her swollen belly, which was getting more and more difficult to hide. She was going to be a great mother. He couldn't wait to meet their first child. He hoped they all looked like Violet.

She moaned uncomfortably and switched sides, scissoring her legs a few times before she relaxed again. She was growing increasingly uncomfortable and tired. They were running out of time.

It was taking longer than desired to get the house they wanted. He didn't want her to have the baby in his father's house. What if it was a girl? He couldn't kill his child, regardless of the sex. He wouldn't kill any child he had with Violet. She was precious. Their children even more so.

He turned off the alarm when she started groaning and squirming, a sure sign she was waking up. She blinked slowly, her eyes focusing on him as he brushed her hair out of her face. She smiled warmly and he kissed her softly, overwhelmed with love for her.

"Good morning, beautiful," he said quietly.

"Good morning," she replied sleepily before yawning and sitting up. "Have you been up long?"

"Not long, I didn't want to wake you up. I know you're tired."

"You spoil me."

He smiled kissing her again, "Someone should. You deserve to be spoiled. How do you feel today?"

"I'm okay right now." She reached for the glass of water in her nightstand and drank several gulps, "Mom was right, more water is helping."

"Good. We have to go to town today, I won't be so worried if you are feeling better."

She smiled, "I'll be fine. I promise. Have you heard back about the house?"

He shook his head, "No, that's why I'm going with Dad and Jake today. I want to meet with the agent and find out what's taking so long. Hopefully I'll have good news to being home."

She leaned forward and kissed him softly, something she had been doing more and more often since they discovered her pregnancy. His father and brother warned him that she might not be broken and he shouldn't trust her, but they didn't understand.

Violet understood him. She loved him. No, she wasn't broken or brainwashed, he liked her that way. He didn't want a shell of a person like his father and brother. He wanted a different life, with Violet and she wanted a life with him.

She stretched her arms over her head, arching her back and thrusting her breasts toward him. He licked his lips involuntarily, his eyes roaming over her. He thought he would be too anxious to want her while she was pregnant but it had the opposite effect. He wanted her more and she seemed to feel the same.

Her cheeks flushed pink, "Shower?"

He grinned and threw the blankets off her, "Shower... After."

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