Chapter Fifteen

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Zack's alarm woke us every morning at the same time and we had a routine

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Zack's alarm woke us every morning at the same time and we had a routine. He would jump in the shower first letting me have the entire bed to myself, if I decided not to join him. He picked our clothes out and would set both piles on the foot of the bed. Some mornings we got distracted with each other instead of getting dressed, making us both late for breakfast.

The last couple of weeks I felt different. I would want to join him in the shower but I felt so terrible when my feet touched the cold wood floor, I never made it in the shower before he finished. I wanted him like crazy, all the time despite feeling constantly sick to my stomach. No matter how much I ate, I remained hungry and some smells made me ill instantly. My clothes were uncomfortable and tighter than they used to be.

That particular morning, I was in the bathroom before the alarm went off. I had woken up an hour early and hadn't left my knees or the toilet since. He opened the door, his eyebrows creased in confusion. When he saw me on the floor his confusion instantly transformed to concern. He rushed over to me, brushing my hair out of my face and looking me over. I doubted I looked any better than I felt, I couldn't hide it today.

"Violet, how long have you been in here like this?" Zack asked.

I averted my gaze, "I'm not sure... A while now, I guess."

He reached under the sink and I heard water running in the sink. I jerked as something cold touched my neck.

"Shh, it's okay. This might help," he said soothingly and moved the damp cloth up my neck to my face.

Zack took great care cleaning off my face, rinsing the cloth several times before he set it aside, hanging over the edge of the bath tub. He helped me up to my feet, sweeping my legs out from under me the moment I was stable. He carried me to the bed, gently setting me down and tucking the blankets around me. I never felt so grateful to have him in my life than that moment. I would never have gotten out of the bathroom without him. My stomach still twisted and churned, threatening an encore performance of misery.

"Stay here, I'll be right back," he said softly and kissed my head before he stood up and left the room.

I had nearly fallen asleep when the door creaked open shortly followed by a familiar, excited squeal. I opened my eyes to see Hannah coming in with Joshua on her hip, his chubby fingers crammed in his mouth. I smiled weakly at the innocent baby, and felt warmth spread through me when Zack rushed back to my side. Hannah sat on the other side of my legs, Joshua crawling over them and up onto my hips.

"Zack says you haven't been feeling well," Hannah said softly. "Violet, how long had this been going on?"

I chewed on my bottom lip, thinking before I answered her, "Since about three months after the wedding, when Josh learned to crawl."

"When was your last period?"

"A week before the wedding. But it's never been normal so I ignored it."

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