Chapter Twenty

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Zack woke to the sound of crying, sighing when he saw Violet reaching for her walker, "Violet, stop

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Zack woke to the sound of crying, sighing when he saw Violet reaching for her walker, "Violet, stop. I'll bring them to you."

He climbed out of bed and walked the short distance to the twins, scooping them both out which hushed their cries. Violet turned on her lamp, holding her arms out for both of them. He handed her Zayne and slid in bed behind her before giving her Blythe as well. He rested his chin on her shoulder watching the babies eat and stare up curiously.

"They're so perfect," she sighed resting her head against him.

"They are. I can't believe we made them," he agreed with her, kissing her temple softly.

Like every night since the twins had been born, they fed, burped, changed, and tucked them back in before falling asleep together until the next time they cried. During the day they would go about their normal routine. The main focus was getting Violet strong again before the twins became too much for her to handle.

Hannah visited everyday, helping around the house and with the babies while he worked the farm.
Things were getting better, finally. His life was on track. He had his beautiful wife and two perfect little babies. He saw the light returning to his mother when she came to visit and spent time with her grandchildren. He was certain, if not for Malcolm and Joshua, she would find every excuse to stay with them instead of going home.

However, the time came that he dreaded most. He had to speak with his father about the matter of his grandchildren. He knew Dylan wouldn't take it well, but that was Dylan's problem. Zack adored Blythe, her round little face and curious eyes, the way she gripped his finger when she was wide awake for a few hours a day.

He thought he couldn't love Violet more, but he had been wrong. He felt complete with her and their children in their own home. He loved them all more every day he spent with them.

Zack parked in his father's driveway, staring at the farm where he had spent his entire life up until recently. It seemed even more like a cage now as he noticed the bars over the windows. They were easy to ignore when he lived there, now they stood out and reminded him of the hell his mother lived in. The hell he took Violet and their children away from.

He wished he could save his mother and younger brothers as well. Even if his father died, Jake was set in the same old ways and would never allow it. He wanted the farm since they were boys.

The front door opened as he stepped out of the truck. Malcolm ran out and tried to tackle him to the ground. Zack chuckled and easily picked his younger brother up, tossing him over one shoulder as he made his way inside. Hannah looked up from the vegetables she was chopping and beamed seeing him walk into the living room.

"No rough housing inside boys, you know the rules," she reminded him and Zack carefully set Malcolm on the rug. "Zack, how are Violet and the babies?"

He grinned, "Getting stronger every day. Doc is coming by tomorrow to see if we can start working on the stairs so Violet can finally move around the whole house." He noticed her frown and added, "We'll still need your help for a while yet. Violet still has to rest often, I don't feel comfortable leaving her in her own totally until she's moving as easy as before the twins."

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