Chapter Eight

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The sound of something moving woke me up

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The sound of something moving woke me up. I had cried myself to sleep at some point. Everything was becoming a blur. I tried to keep track of time but it was impossible. I found out why the mattress was covered in plastic.

My shoulders and back burned, I couldn't feel my fingers at all. I lost my voice screaming last time. There was nothing I could do but wait. I felt tears trail down my cheeks and wondered how much longer I would survive.

Light flooded the room suddenly. I yelled trying to hide my face, curling into a ball as best I could. I couldn't tell who it was but I didn't want it to be Dylan or Jake. I closed my eyes tight and put my head on my knees.

A small hand on my shoulder brought my head up. I had to blink several times before my vision focused on Megan's sympathetic smile.

She held her finger to her lips and untied the gag. I took a deep, unhindered breath and burst into tears. Megan waited for me to finish before wiping my face with a damp cloth.

"Dylan will be cross but the rest of us don't want you to suffer. I brought you some food and water. Here."

Megan held the glass to my lips and I drank greedily, ignoring the dribbles of water falling from my chin. I was so thirsty.

"How long has it been?" I heard myself croak.

She frowned, "Today is the third day. Zack couldn't bear it when Dylan said he wasn't checking on you until tonight. Here, open your mouth."

I did as she said and warm food touched my tongue. It was wonderfully warm and sweet. I never loved oatmeal so much.

"Hannah added fruit and honey so it will be even better for you if you have to stay in here longer. Is there anything you want me to tell Zack? He's worried about you."

"Is he really?"

"Yes. Dylan has threatened to punish him a couple of times. Especially when he caught Zack sleeping on the floor against the cabinet yesterday."

I felt my stomach twist, he was worried. He had slept out there probably trying to protect me in case Dylan came while everyone slept. Zack cared about me, genuinely cared.

"Tell him I'm okay. And I'm sorry I ran. And thank him for all he's done and continues to do for me," I told her and Megan smiled.

"You two are so different... I hope you get out soon, we miss having you in the house. Here, finish up. I have to finish chores before they come back. Jake and Zack will be understanding, Dylan might throw me beside you for breaking his orders."


"Yes, Violet?"

"Are you happy here?"

"For the most part, yes. I know the traditions are odd and difficult to settle into, but some times I couldn't imagine my life if Dylan hadn't brought me to Jacob."

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