Chapter Eleven

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I was shoved into a hot bath as soon as I stepped into the room I shared with Zack

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I was shoved into a hot bath as soon as I stepped into the room I shared with Zack. Hannah sat on the edge of the tub scrubbing my scalp and humming. I heard the girls outside the door swooning over my dress and deciding about my hair, which had grown past my shoulders. I wondered what the dress looked like. How Zack would be dressed. Where we were going after the ceremony.

Hannah combed out the knots and cut away the frayed, dyed ends. The length of ash blonde reached my collarbone. It had been a long time since I grew out my natural hair. I ran my fingers through it and stared at my reflection in the hazy bathroom mirror.

Hannah smiled over my shoulder, "You look lovely."

I bit my bottom lip, slowly returning her smile, "Thank you."

"Come on, it's time to get you dressed!"

I was surrounded as soon as I stepped out of the bathroom. They arranged my hair and applied a little makeup before taking me over to my clothes. They were actually my clothes. A white dress I could never seem to part with or wear and my favorite white lace underwear.

They helped me into the dress and I spun around in the mirror. I looked so different, I hardly recognized myself. I had gained weight making the dress fit more snug to my body which had filled out with regular meals. The only problem was the dress had thin straps leaving my arms, shoulders, and back exposed to the chilly winter air. Megan came back with a white shawl and draped it over my shoulders. I felt warmer instantly, hugging the shawl to me.

"Girls, go see if they're ready," Hannah spoke up over the dull roar of conversations.

All at once the room emptied leaving me alone with Hannah who sat on the foot of the bed. I turned in the mirror, inspecting myself, hoping Zack would be pleased with my new appearance. I knew he would love my hair, he told me that he preferred my natural hair when my roots first began to show. The dress worried me. He might not like how revealing it was or how tight it fit now. I didn't want to upset or disappoint him.

The knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts just before Dylan and Roger stepped into the room. I bit my lip and looked down at the floor hugging the shawl to my body. I let out a startled yelp when a hand gripped my chin and turned my face up. I met Dylan's cold eyes and recoiled in fear, he smiled in satisfaction. He must want me to be afraid of him, I thought to myself.

Jake appeared in the doorway and I had never been so happy to see him. Dylan's hand left my face and he turned to Hannah holding his hand out. She carefully got up from the bed with his and Roger's help, the three of them leaving together.

"Come on, Violet. Zack looked ready to climb the walls waiting," Jake commented and I nodded hurrying to the door.

He stopped me at the bottom of the stairs and set a pair of boots in front of me. I lifted my skirt and stepped into the boots, when I moved my head to look at Jake I felt something cold and smooth cover my eyes. He took my arm and instructed me to walk forward.

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