Chapter Twelve

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Violet fell asleep while Zack packed the truck, just like he planned

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Violet fell asleep while Zack packed the truck, just like he planned. His father didn't want her knowing the directions to the cabin but he wanted to surprise her. He knew being cooped up in the house all the time was tough on her, even his mother and Megan. He'd felt for his mother since the first times he had gone out but she couldn't. Dylan very rarely allowed her out when they were little, but after she got pregnant with Malcolm he was more lenient. He bound her to the house again when Megan was brought home, and again with Violet.

Zack hated that rule, like several others. He needed to get Violet out of that house, out from under his father's rules. He couldn't save his mother, but he could save Violet.

She snored softly in her sleep, the long day of excitement had worn her out. That was fine. It took hours to get to the cabin anyway. He would wake her at sunrise after they stopped passing the route signs.

He glanced over at her from time to time. She looked almost exactly how he imagined when she first came home. Her hair was different, but it suited her better.

The freckles on her nose were disappearing, he didn't like that. Those freckles were adorable first thing in the morning when she wrinkled her nose not wanting to wake up yet. She looked less frail now that she had gained weight from actually eating every day. Her full cheeks made her smile all the more beautiful and her wide eyes fit into her face.

He stopped at an overlook just off the road. He got out of the truck and grabbed something to eat and drink. He quietly climbed back in, setting everything on the dashboard. He untied the blindfold and brushed her hair out of her face.

"Violet," he said softly, rubbing his thumb over her bottom lip. Her lips parted and she sighed. "Violet, wake up."

Her eyebrows knitted together, her eyes closing tighter as she responded to his voice. He watched her slowly wake up with fascination. She was so beautiful and had no idea. She blinked her eyes, surprised the blindfold was gone.

"Good morning, beautiful," he told her with that stupid smile he could never help.

She smiled at him, "Morning. I didn't mean to fall asleep."

He chuckled, "We left late, it's okay. I have breakfast. We still have some riding to do."

She tried looking out the windows but they were too foggy. "Are we close?"

"Another hour on the road and we're there," he told her, handing over the jerky, fruit, and muffins Megan had slipped in secretly. The coffee was still warm from a quick stop at the last gas station and his favorite thermos. It was expensive to fill away from home but worth it for the look on her face when he poured it in the cup.

They ate in a comfortable silence. They were finally alone with just each other and starving. He had a great surprise planned after they ate. She looked less stressed, infinitely more relaxed than at the house. He needed to get them a house of their own, maybe without the bars.

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