Chapter Fourteen

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The time at the cabin didn't last long enough

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The time at the cabin didn't last long enough. Dylan had given Zack a full week, but it flew by and felt cut short. He looked at Violet enjoying her last minutes standing on the porch with her eyes closed, basking in the sun. Her hair fell back behind her shoulders and she looked so blissful. He didn't want to take that happiness away from her.

He finished loading their bag and shut the tailgate on the truck, the sound snapped her head toward him. She smiled at him, something he was going to miss returning to his father's house. He walked over to the porch and held out his arms, she happily ran into his chest. Violet wrapped her arms around his waist and he felt her silent sobs.

"Hey, hey, hey, shh, it's okay baby," he said softly, lifting her face up and brushing away her tears. "You have to be strong, Violet. We just play along and he will leave us both alone, more or less. If you let him get to you then it will be Hell again."

She sighed, "I know. I just... I'm going to miss this. I've been able to think here and really get to know you. I don't want to go back."

Zack smiled and kissed her softly, trailing his fingers down her neck until she relaxed into him. He rested his forehead against hers, "It can be close to this at home. We just have to be careful."

She nodded. He kissed her again, dragging out every last moment they had left. He carried her to the truck, tucking her against his side while he drove them back. For a while she stayed awake, curled against him listening to the radio. Eventually, however, she fell asleep and he was left in silence.

Violet yawned, stretching out in the seat as he pulled into a gas station. He told her to stay there and went inside. She found the boots she wore before in the floor and slipped into them.

Zack returned and smiled holding up a key before opening the door. "I figured you needed to go by now too."

She smiled gratefully, "I really do."

She took his hand and followed him into the men's room, returning to the truck while he returned the key. He came back with a bag, handing it to her. He bought what snacks and drinks he could afford, as well as more coffee. After some food, he started driving again.

"Do I have to be unconscious when we get back?" Violet asked staring out the window.

Zack shook his head, "Just blindfolded will work. Dad will be happy everything is going smoothly."

"I wonder how Mom is doing," she commented and he sucked in a worried breath.

"She should have had the baby."

Violet nodded, "If not, something's wrong."

He sighed, "Hopefully it will be the best case scenario."

He didn't want to watch his mother suffer like that, again. He certainly didn't want to expose Violet to the aftermath of his father when a girl was born to him. Megan was Jake's dilemma, Hannah was Dylan's.

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