Chapter Seventeen

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Malcolm ran as fast as his feet would carry him across the yard to the barn

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Malcolm ran as fast as his feet would carry him across the yard to the barn. He ripped open the door to Clover's stall and pulled himself into her bare back. With a soft tap of his heels she made her way out of the barn. He leaned down whispering in her ear, "We gotta get to Doc's, Clover. Hurry."

He clicked his tongue and tapped her twice with his heels. The mare turned toward the trees and took off into the night down the narrow trail that connected the two farms. He prayed his brother lived and Violet would be okay, but he knew they needed the doctor. Doc was the only one who could help them now.

Clover knew the way blindfolded, she made the trip every time they went to Doc's. Even in the bitter cold with her small rider, she made short time of the trip. He smelled the fire just before he saw the smoke rising from Doc's chimney.

Clover stopped outside the farmhouse and Malcolm whistled loud and high. Doc rushed out, surprised by who he found.

"Malcolm? Malcolm Wilcox?"

"We got trouble Doc!" Malcolm exclaimed jumping down from Clover's back.

"Lemme get my bag, put Clover in the empty stall and we'll get going."


Megan ran even after she lost all feeling in her limbs. She ran until she literally couldn't make herself run further. She tripped, tumbling face first into the snow. Still, she pressed on, pushing up to her feet and wrapping her arms right around herself. She knew why Jake insisted on her wearing dresses with short sleeves even in winter--she was freezing.

She thought about turning back, then remembered what she had done. She couldn't go back. If she had hurt Joshua or Violet they would kill her. Jacob was already unhappy and talking with Dylan about getting another girl. Her time was up. She had too many daughters and Jacob was finished with her. If they didn't kill her now, he would strangle her to death one night. He nearly had a few nights ago, cutting off her air while he listened to Zack and Violet in the next room. She woke up the next day with purple bruises and blood shot eyes. It took hours for her to recall what happened and she was starting to get migraines.

She wanted to stop. Every step was agonizing, but they were chasing her. She knew they were. Jake would never just let her go. The world would find out the Wilcox family was still free and doing as they pleased.

She looked up and down the road, still no cars. She stayed in the shadow of the trees and kept walking no matter how much it hurt. She couldn't stop. She had to get away. Get help. Save them before it's too late.

She didn't hear footsteps coming up behind her. She had no idea when he leveled the shotgun and aimed at her. She heard the double barrels and pain exploded in her leg sending her to the snow covered ground with a scream. Megan looked up from her leg to see Jacob's dark, furious expression. He reloaded and aimed for her again, blowing shrapnel into her left arm and shoulder. Her screams fell on deaf ears as Jacob tied her ankles and wrists together before throwing her over his shoulder carelessly.

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