Chapter Two

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Zack laid on his side staring at his sleeping beauty

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Zack laid on his side staring at his sleeping beauty. She was too skinny and unwell for the moment but he could see what wasn't there. Even in her almost coma-like state she had terrible dreams. She would clutch his shirt with her eyebrows knitted together as she whined and cried softly. He woke more than once to her nails dragging across him in terror.

"Hey Dad?"

Dylan stopped reading and looked up, "What is it?"

"How did you find her? She's so different from the other girls."

Dylan shut his book and shifted in his seat, "I saw her at her place of work. She's already broken, she has been for some time. She wasn't present in her mind at work. She has no birth family to care, no friends to search, and no home to miss."

"But she's so unwell," Zack sighed.

"It will make it easier for her to settle this way. Your mother and Megan will help show you how to take care of her. She'll be grateful for how much you care. You only get one girl, Zachary."

Zack nodded slowly and headed back upstairs to his sleeping beauty. Her lips were parted as she laid on her back in his bed. He stared at her until there was a knock on his door.

"Zack, sweetie, it's Mom," Hannah said softly through the door.

He opened the door and she came in carrying a tray with two covered plates. She set the rest on the nightstand and knelt down on the bed looking at his girl. "She's so lovely. She seemed sweet until she fainted, you will love her."

He smiled, "You liked her?"

Hannah reached over and squeezed his hand, "Your father's right, she's perfect. You won't need to break her like Jacob did Megan."

Zack looked down at his girl and watched her chest rising and falling slowly. He looked at his mother, "I'm not sure what to do."

Hannah smiled, "Be yourself. Be kind and gentle. She's distrustful, the outside world treated her worse than most. She had nothing, show her that now she has a family that will never abandon her or let those terrible things happen again."

Zack nodded, reaching over to lace his fingers with his sleeping beauty, her grip tightened for a moment then relaxed again. Hannah uncovered one of the plates, "You need to eat. When she's awake enough get her to eat and drink, even if you need to help her chew."

Hannah showed him how to coax her into eating and drinking. They decided she needed softer food as chewing seemed to wear her out. Then they were alone.

Zack took a quick shower before laying down with her. She slept for a long time somewhat peacefully while he watched her in the dark. He didn't know when but her breathing pattern changed and she stretched her body.

She was waking up!

He placed his hand on the small of her back and she turned her head toward him. Her eyes were unfocused and still tired, she blinked slowly. He brushed her hair out of her face and smiledthere, whispering softly, "Hey there."

She smiled slowly, "Hi again."

He chuckled, "I'm glad you remember me. How do you feel?"

"Tired. My head and stomach hurt. I need to pee."

Zack laughed, "I think I can help you. Bathroom first." He scooped her up out of the bed and carried her into the bathroom. Once she sat, he headed down to get her some food and juice. His brothers looked out of their rooms until their father shooed them to bed.

Zack set the food and juice on the nightstand before checking on her.

She had gotten to washing her hands in the sink. She paused with her hands in the water and stared at him in the mirror. He smiled and she looked away uncomfortably.

"I brought you some food and juice," he told her before scooping her up again.

"I can walk."

"When you're well you can. For now I'm taking care of you, that's my duty as your husband." He felt her tense in his arms but ignored it. He set her on the bed, propping her up with pillows before sitting by her hip and grabbing the glass.

She drank the juice greedily, handing back the half-empty glass. He set the plate in her lap, "Easy."

She ate slower, devouring every bite and finishing the rest of the juice. She sagged back against the pillows and yawned. He smiled watching her get comfortable in the bed.

"You feel a little better?" She nodded her head slowly.

Her brows creased and she asked, "Are you Zack?"

He chuckled, "Yes, I am. What's your name?"

She pouted and a tear slipped down her cheek, "I never really had one..."

Zack cupped her face in his hands, wiping her tears away with his calloused thumbs, "Shh, it's okay. You're safe here with me and your new family. We love you and want you here forever. You have a name, a family, and a home."

She stared into his eyes, more tears slipping free from her big gray eyes, "I do?"

He nodded and placed a kiss on top of her head, "Yes. Your name is Violet Wilcox, this is your home, you are my wife."

She smiled slowly, drifting back to sleep, "It's a really nice dream..."

Zack kissed her temple and tucked her into bed. "It's real, you're just sick right now. Get well, then you'll see."


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