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Thirteen Years Later

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Thirteen Years Later...

I stepped out into the back porch and spotted the girls in the yard playing. I smiled watching them for a moment with the baby propped on my hip. They were playing with their dolls on one of the old quilts to keep their dresses from getting filthy. I knew the rest of the children were working with Zack in the barn.

"Girls," I called and they both looked up at me with Zack's green eyes. "Go get your father, it's lunchtime."

They sprang up onto their feet and bolted for the barn shouting for their father on the way. I smiled at our youngest son on my hip, "We don't miss food around here, do we Jack? Come on, let's get you some before the wolves get here."

It still amazed me how much life had changed. I thought I would run from Zack once we moved, but I had already fallen for him by the time I was able. And I had been pregnant again. After the twins and my coma, things had slipped into place and our life became pleasant in our little house that filled with children surprisingly fast.

Just under three years after we had the twins, Lucas was born with Zack's hair and my eyes. Levi followed the next year, looking like a twin if it wasn't for the dimples he inherited from Hannah. Evie three years after Levi, had my hair and Zack's green eyes. Amberleigh two years later looked the same with a mess of freckles. Then, and hopefully finally, three years after Amberleigh, came my darling Jack, who was a miniature version of his father in looks and personality.

As much as I loved Zack and all of our children, I didn't want anymore. Our house was full, Jack was still in our room and he was two in the winter.
The back door opened and I looked up from handing Jack his juice. Zack came in with the girls wrapped around either leg, the twins and boys wrestling their way through the door behind him.

I smiled and shook my head, "All right, enough, all of you go wash up for lunch. I don't want dirty hands or faces at my table. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am," they said in unison before filing to the laundry room.

Zack went to the kitchen sink where there was no line and I brought over a fresh towel, looking over at Jack in the process. Before I knew it Zack had me pinned between him and the counter.

"Violet..." he whispered in my ear knowing I would melt.

"Yes?" I asked softly.

"Why don't the kids have a picnic and a couple of hours to play?" he suggested kissing my neck.

I put my hands on his chest, "Jack and Amberleigh have naps, the rest of the children have three hours of schoolwork."

He sighed, letting me go as the children headed for the table, "How did we find the time to make them all?"

I laughed, "We used the free time they now take up. Come eat your lunch."

It was true, the only time we got to ourselves was after the children were all in bed and by then we were both exhausted. More than once we had been getting started and ended up falling asleep. I might have the twins watch the younger children one evening and ambush him in the barn to make up for it.

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