Chapter Eighteen

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Zack paced the rug at the foot of the bed, pausing every few seconds to check on Violet

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Zack paced the rug at the foot of the bed, pausing every few seconds to check on Violet. Was she breathing? Had she opened her eyes? He prayed she opened her eyes, just once so he knew she would be all right. He could still hear Joshua crying down the hall, he hadn't stopped since waking up nearly an hour ago.

The hinges on the door creaked and he spun around to see who it was. He felt mild relief seeing Doc Wilson, finally. The middle-aged man nodded in Zack's direction before stepping toward Violet's sleeping form on the bed. He had propped her up with all the pillows and tucked her under the blankets and quilt so she stayed warm. He didn't know what else to do.

Doc Wilson did another examination of Violet leaving Zack in painful, worried, tense silence. He was ready to scream. He didn't know how much more anxiety he could take. He just wanted her to open her eyes.

"I'm not sure what else we can do for her. Without the equipment at a hospital we can only hope for the best," Doc told him sadly.

"Is the baby okay?" Zack asked feeling his stomach twist tighter.

"It seems like it. Zack, do you have any idea how long you have left before the baby will be born?"

"From our calculations, three or four more months left. We were going to move before the baby came. She was looking forward to it."

Doc sighed heavily, "Don't lose hope yet. She may wake up. I'm going to stay here for a few days and keep an eye on her and Joshua. If she wakes, come downstairs and get me."

Zack nodded and climbed on the bed with Violet while the doctor showed himself out. The door clicked shut and he brushed her hair out of her face. He felt tears slip down his cheeks as he laid beside her.

"Please don't leave me alone. Please, Violet, please wake up. We're getting our house. We're having our family. You can't leave before we get our shot at life." He kissed her temple, "I love you, please, please wake up."

Zack had no idea he fell asleep until his alarm went off and woke him up. He reached over and turned it off, looking down at Violet. She hadn't moved. He laid back down beside her. He didn't want to face a day without her.

He felt a little nudge against his hand which rested on her swollen belly. He blinked and sat up on his elbow looking down at his hand. He felt another nudge and smiled. The baby might be all he had left of Violet if she didn't wake up.

He shot up with a frown. The baby would suffer if Violet wasn't eating and drinking. He jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs. Doc Wilson slept on the couch in the living room under the quilt from Jake's room. Zack hadn't even thought to see if Jake was inside, he doubted it.

"Doc!" Zack said loud enough to rouse the man.

Hannah came in from the kitchen looking between the two of them. She looked hopeful, "Is she awake?"

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