Chapter Thirteen

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I rested my head on Zack's shoulder, swaying in slow circles with him

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I rested my head on Zack's shoulder, swaying in slow circles with him. I couldn't believe all he'd done for me. For us. The cabin was old but perfect for just the two of us.

He stopped and I lifted my head to look at him. He had that excited, lopsided grin again.

"Here," he reached over to the couch and wrapped a thick blanket around my shoulders before lifting me off my feet. He carried me out onto the front porch, sitting me in his lap on the large, old couch. I curled up against him, listening to the quiet sounds. It had been so long since I had been outside and I wasn't going to waste the opportunity to enjoy it.

I felt his fingers slide through my hair and I smiled, "This is wonderful."

Zack sighed heavily, "I wish we could do this at home, I hate leaving you locked inside all the time."

"So, is that another one of the rules your father has you would change?" I asked him curiously.

"There are a lot of his rules I will change for my own family once we're out of his house. Until then we both have to abide by them all and pretend we don't hate every moment."

"Will you tell me all of them, please?"

He looked at me suspiciously, "Why are you so curious suddenly?"

I felt heat creep into my cheeks and looked down at my lap, "It's our future. Our future together, I just wanted to be in the know on everything. It's okay, you don't have to tell me."

His fingers combed through my hair and slowly lifted my chin so I was looking into his mismatched eyes. He smiled slowly, his eyes softening as he spoke, "No, you're right. You deserve to know. I don't want a slave or prisoner, I want a wife. My chosen partner through the rest of our lives. I don't want either of us to ever doubt each other, we're partners in life until the end of it. No one will ever hurt you or make you suffer again. I'll never let you starve and go sleepless. I love you, Violet. Never forget that above all else, I love you."

"I know. I love you, too, Zachary," I said quietly, unable to look away from his eyes. They were so intense, like I had rarely seen them before a few times when we had been kissing for a while. This intensity was different, far more fierce. He meant every word.

"So, the rules I will change," he began, settling into the seat and wrapping himself around me. "I would start with the bars, no more bars. We will have locks but not like Father's, I'm going to make sure you have a key. I want us both to go on trips to town. I want you to have the freedom to go into the yard anytime you want, especially when we have children."

He paused and I blinked several times processing the very particular word - children. I stared at him and we sat in silence letting the words hang in the air between us.

"Zack, children?" I finally choked out, I needed him to be exact about this. I didn't want to fall into a trap.

"Yes, children. I have seen what 'no daughters' does to every woman in my family and it's not right. I'm not taking a child from you and I don't believe I could do it. I've seen and heard Father and Jacob do it. Listened to Mother and Megan scream and wail for days over it, especially when they were inside and we weren't. I've never understood why we can't give them a chance. Look at all you've overcome in your life before me. How can it be so much harder for you to survive than me when you came out of a world hell bent on destroying you?

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