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Noen's POV

Tomorrow was the last day of tour. I didn't know what would happen after. Would chase and I still be a thing, or was this just a fling. All day i acted sorta of strange. Everyone could tell including the fans at our meet and greet. I kept getting asked if i was okay. Most of the other people on the tour just thought i didn't want to go home. Which i guess was true but it wasn''t what had me so scared.

Omg y'all so i'm dumb and lowkey forgot what i was writing about and why Noen would be scared because i haven't written in like two months which also i'm very sorry about i'm just lazy as fuck. So if i accidentally contradict something else i've said in the book i'm so sorry.

I was scared to lose Chase. Scared of what lay before me. 

Chase put his head on my chest and looked up at me, which was a hard feat considering he was taller.  But it did what he planned to do, he snapped me out of my thoughts. 

Looking up at me and smiling"Hi" he said. We both started laughing. And i knew in that moment i would do anything to stay with chase.

"Hi yourself" i wrapped my arms around as he fully stood up making me once again shorter. Not by much but per usual chase style he loved to lord it over me.

"Whatcha thinking about shortie?" he ruffled my hair, making me let out an annoyed groan. Chase just did everything to push my buttons yet i loved him so much.

"Chase stop" i whined. Sounding pretty annoying, i'd have to remind myself to not do that again.

"Noeeeeennnnnn" he dragged out my name "stop overthinking things". I just smiled at him and shrugged. 

"Umm hi"  a nervous girl had come up to us probably wanting a photo. We were both caught up in ourselves we forgot we were at a meet and greet or at least i did. 

Chase quickly responded"hi would you like a photo"leaving me awkwardly standing next to him bright red because thats who i am.

"Umm, can i have one with both of you" she looked about as uncomfortable as i felt and id been doing this for a while. 

"Of course" i smiled and walked over to her opening my arms to see if she wanted a hug. For once in my life i was trying to be forward. It might have been because i felt connected to her because she reminded me of myself but im not sure. She accepted my hug and i picked she up while chase took a photo. Then the three of us got a photo together. 

"Thankyou so much!" she smiled at us "oh and one last thing i made you guys these. Its fine if you don't like them though" Chase and i looked at each other and gasped. I guess she look it the wrong way. "Omg, sorry i'll go now" 

"What no" chase shouted loudly, causing people to look and me and girl to blush. "These are amazing" she had made us little bobble heads, i forget what they were called but the thing you could get at hot topic but then she designed them to us.

"These are amazing thankyou so much" i hugged her again before grabbing them from her.

Okay y'all im so sorry i haven't updated in so long. As i said earlier ive just been busy. But i was wondering if i wrote another book after this, would anyone read it. And would it have to be about Choen, or i might write more of small town boys.

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