Chapter 00

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The Transformation…..

Murdock decided to take a break from his work and get some fresh air.  While on his break he hears voices and discovers a secret meeting being held by the board of directors of the military covert organization. He heard them discussing assassinating the President of the United States. Murdock hid himself and listened to their conversation, for his understanding they had planned to use the super soldiers, a project that he created, to overthrow the government, kill the President and destroy half of the nation. They wanted to do all of this for power. They had a crazy idea of rebuilding and making the nation better with them as its rulers.  Murdock was shocked and worried. Murdock ran back to his lab. He was so confused and didn't know what to do. He didn't want his work to be used to assist them with the evil plan that he heard the board discussing. “What am I going to do now?” He asked himself. He then took out his phone dialed Maria's number and left her a voice mail saying,

“Hey love, get my daughter together, we are leaving the United States.  The military covert organization is not what we thought it was. I will explain everything when I arrive, just be ready when I get there.”

Murdock quickly turned off the four surveillance cameras in the lab. He then destroyed all the syrup he had created, he cleaned all the formula and calculations on the boards and burnt all the papers containing the formulas. He made sure he erased and destroyed everything that could be used to recreate the syrup.  After he was satisfied that he successfully destroyed the information, he decided to head out. Suddenly he heard a loud rumbling and thunder clap from the sky. The sound was so loud it caught everyone's attention. Murdock was curious to what was going on but decided to ignore it. He had too much on his mind to be worried about anything outside of his safety. As he was walking out the door to leave, something crashed in through the roof of the lab and pierced into floor. It seemed to be some kind of device. It made a beeping sound, and had a triangular structure. Part of device was lodged into the ground while part of it was sticking out. It was a rather small device, but the beeping sound coming from the device was extremely loud.  “What is this?” Murdock questioned as he surveyed the device from a distance. It was unlike any technology Murdock had seen before. Curiosity got the best of him so he decided to have a closer look at the device. Suddenly the top of the device opened and a white small ball came out and suspended in the air. Murdock was amazed and perplexed. He looked closely at the ball, overwhelmed by curiosity he reached out and touched the ball. As soon as he touched it the ball exploded and a big flash of light covered the entire lab. Murdock was caught in the middle. Something was happening. Murdock thought he was seeing things, It appeared that the spirits of the animals in the lab were leaving their bodies. Before he knew it the same animal spirits were entering his body. The first animal was a baby lion in a small cage in one corner of the lab, the second was a gorilla in a cage in the opposite corner of the lab, and finally a moth in a glass container. It all happened so fast that if he would have blinked he would have missed it. Everything became quiet and Murdock fainted on the floor. Everything in the lab was scattered and tossed around due to the blast. The surveillance and power restored as if nothing happened. 

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