Chapter 7

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The event of Becky's death

Learning to survive and recover from the agony and pain of losing a loved one, is one of the greatest acts of bravery.                                                                     J Daniel

Moments later, Murdock was surrounded by the soldiers. He had nowhere to escape and he had no bullets left in his gun. He attempted to pick up another gun, but one of the soldiers kicked him to the ground.

“ Who the hell are you?,” Murdock yelled at the soldier, as he picked himself up from the floor. 

The soldier kept quiet and didn't say a word, suddenly Salvador walked in and stood in front of Murdock.  

“What a mess you've made,” He laughed in a evil tone. 

Murdock spat on his face, “ You bastard,” he angrily screamed. 

One of the soldiers immediately punched Murdock in his stomach and forced him to kneel.  The soldier tied his both hands behind his back with a rope. Once the rope was tied tightly and Murdock couldn't free his hands, Salvador bent down in front of Murdock and said,

“All this could have been avoided if you had just given us the syrup, instead of playing hero.”

“ I told you I don't have the syrup, I destroyed it” Murdock said.

“ We know you used it on yourself and became a super human, we saw you from the footage.” Salvador said.

“ I didn't use anything on myself, look at me god damn it, do I look like a super human to you?” Murdock asked angrily with a loud voice. 

“ Give us the syrup or you will die,” Salvador stated calmly. 

“ I don't have it, I already told you, I destroyed it.” Murdock exclaimed.

“We know you have the syrup, just give it to me, and maybe I will spare your life.”  Salvador is trying to persuade Murdock to release the syrup, he didn't know Murdock was telling the truth, he didn't believe him because he saw the transformation. 

Murdock is completely surrounded and he has no way to win the fight against the many soldiers surrounding him with heavy guns. 

“I'm offering you one more time, give me the syrup nicely or you will have to die,'' Salvador spoke. 

Salvador took a seat on the couch facing Murdock. Murdock was still trying to convince him that he destroyed all the syrup. Suddenly he heard a loud scream, the voice belonged to his daughter Becky. He instantly became worried. He saw one of the soldiers dragging Becky towards him, “ Look who we have here,'' the soldier exclaimed. 

 “Leave her alone you bastard,” Murdock shouted and struggle to get his hands out of the ropes. 

Becky was so scared, she cried bitterly, “ Dad!!,” She called out to him crying. 

“Don't worry sweetheart, everything will be fine. ” Murdock said, trying to calm her and make her feel better. 

Murdock was really angry, he wished he could kill them all, but he was helpless. 

“Please leave my daughter alone, I'll do whatever you want, please just let her go, I could make the syrup again okay,” Murdock pleaded with Salvador. 

Salvador collected a pistol from one of the soldiers...

“Well maybe this will motivate you to give me what I want,'' Salvador said as he pointed the loaded gun at Becky's forehead. 

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