Chapter 2

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The interview

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."

Winston Churchill.

The next morning Murdock jumped out of his sleep, he looked at his clock, it was 9:30am

"Goodness gracious," he exclaimed as he quickly rushed into the bathroom and took his bath, he finished bathing and dressed in a complete Black suit, white shirt, black belt and a black leather shoes. He grabbed his document bag and rushed out of his room. Becky was already awake and was in the kitchen making breakfast, she had already finished when Murdock walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Dad," she said with a lovely smile on her face

"Hey sweetheart," Murdock responded as he hugged Becky and kissed her on her cheek.

"Slept well?," he asked,

"Ahh!! Yes I did and you?" Becky replied and asked.

He nodded his head with a smile in response to her question and grabbed some fresh juice from the refrigerator in the kitchen, he said,

"It seems breakfast is ready and it sure smells good."

Becky smiled delightfully and said, " Yeah breakfast is ready, I didn't want you to go for the interview with an empty stomach, so I had to wake up much earlier to prepare breakfast,''

Murdock was delighted by her efforts in making sure breakfast was ready before he would leave.

" Hmmm! That's so sweet of you, I hope it tastes as good as it smells," he exclaimed.

"Off course it tastes good," Becky replied with a smile.

They both laughed for a quick while, " Yeah I know it will," Murdock said in response to Becky.

Becky served breakfast, it was tea and bread and some fried eggs. They both sat down and enjoyed breakfast together. after breakfast, it was time for Murdock to leave, he stretched his right hand, he was holding a tie.

" Please help me knot my tie," he requested.

Becky collected the tie immediately and helped him complete his look.

" Here you go, it's perfect, you look perfect," she said with a smile.

Murdock also smiled and said " Thank you sweetheart, take good care of yourself and the house okay!"

Becky nodded with a smile and said.

" Okay Dad, good luck with the interview."

Murdock smiled and walked out of the house, Becky cleared the table and went into the kitchen to clean it up, later Murdock got to the train stop and boarded a train to Washington DC for the interview at Fei Hong pharmaceutical industry, he had so much hope even as he walked into the manager's office for the interview,

" Good day sir," he said to the manager with a smile.

" Good day Dr. Murdock," the manager responded to his greeting with a smile.

Then he offered Murdock a seat "please sit." he said.

Murdock sat at the visitors side of the table, directly opposite the manager, he maintained a gracious smile on his face, looking around, he could see that the office was well polished and classic, he adjusted himself and was ready for the interview, the manager expressed his thoughts about Murdock's resume.

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